Information Carrier – E84

E84 Information Carrier

Scope note:

This class comprises all instances of E22 Man-Made Object that are explicitly designed to act as persistent physical carriers for instances of E73 Information Object.

This allows a relationship to be asserted between an E19 Physical Object and its immaterial information contents. An E84 Information Carrier may or may not contain information, e.g., a diskette. Note that any E18 Physical Thing may carry information, such as an E34 Inscription. However, unless it was specifically designed for this purpose, it is not an Information Carrier. Therefore the property P128 carries (is carried by) applies to E18 Physical Thing in general.


the Rosetta Stone

my paperback copy of Crime & Punishment

the computer disk at ICS-FORTH that stores the canonical Definition of the CIDOC CRM

In First Order Logic:

  • E84(x) ⇒ E22(x)

Scope notes


Additional notes

Identifier: E84

Official URI:


* : Standard label for this language


Parent classes

Ancestor classes

Child and descendant classes

Related classes

Outgoing properties (this class is domain)

Outgoing properties (inherited from ancestors)

Incoming properties (this class is range)

Incoming properties (inherited from ancestors)

Profiles using this class

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