
Namespace Last updated
Epigraphy Ontology 2023-11-14
PA's test namespace 2022-10-14
MoMaF 2022-01-12
MoViEs 2022-10-10
DOREMUS 2022-09-14
star 2022-12-01
Parthenos Entities: Research Infrastructure Model 2025-02-10
SDHSS Higher education and academies 2021-06-10
test 2023-02-10
typometrie 2021-12-06
OntSciDoc3D 2023-02-11
LAHO 2022-07-14
crmsurv 2022-12-15
jjg:thing 2023-02-16
CRMgeo: a Spatiotemporal Model 2021-06-10
CRMsci: An Extension of CIDOC CRM to support scientific observation 2021-06-10
GeoSPARQL 2021-06-10
Processetti 2021-06-10
Your projects' ontology 2021-06-10
CIDOC CRM 2021-06-10
APIS - Austrian Bibliographic Lexicon Namespace 2021-06-10
RISM Online 2023-03-28
apc 2021-06-10
Europeana Data Model 2021-06-10
FRBRoo: Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records 2021-06-10
Diversa_Namespace 2021-12-16
testTestTest 2023-07-18
ttm 2023-04-11
manmax 2023-04-17
Lumière 2023-04-25
LabInVirtuo 2022-02-14
wae-archiv 2022-01-18
FFCC Andalucia ongoing 2022-03-17
Cimetières et sépultures 2021-06-10
SDHSS Voyage, movement, transport and displacement 2022-09-21
Education 2022-06-06
ngtest 2022-09-16
Historique des unités administratives françaises 2021-06-10
GEMENET 2022-07-26
LRMoo: Library Reference Model object-oriented 2023-01-25
roll-o 2023-07-19
CRMarchaeo: An Extension of CIDOC CRM to support the archaeological excavation process 2021-06-10
Porträtsammlung HAB 2021-10-28
REFOVOTE 2021-06-10
SILKNOW 2021-06-10
READ-IT 2021-06-10
Images Circulation 2021-06-10
test GV 2021-06-10 2021-06-10
Maritime history 2021-06-10
CRMdig: An Extension of CIDOC CRM to support provenance metadata 2021-06-10
CRMsoc 2021-06-10
Siti Crotone 2021-06-10
ghp 2021-06-10
PCP-on-Web Project Vocabulary 2021-06-10
SLWA Pictorial Item 2021-06-10
PRESSoo: Modelling of bibliographic information 2021-06-10
History of Heralds Ontologie 2021-06-10
Ontologie des lieux qui évoluent au cours du temps 2021-06-10
city 2021-06-10
Mittelhochdeutsche Begriffsdatenbank 2021-06-10
Positiones congregationis concilii 2021-06-10
Evidence based Storylines 2021-06-10
lpo 2021-06-10
MCQ Test 2021-06-10
My sandbox project 2021-06-10
litep 2021-06-10
Normative text (legislation) 2021-06-10
krater 2021-06-10
NAMESPACE_AL 2021-06-10
Factoïdes 2021-06-10
Lumieres 2021-06-10
Legal Provisions Ontology (LPO) 2021-06-10
Written Artefact 2021-06-10
Sound 2021-06-10
Music Circulation and Provenance 2021-06-10
joschne_sandbox 2021-06-10
spatialHierarchy 2021-06-10
XML Schema 2021-06-10
OntoME internal model 2021-06-10 ontology 2021-06-10
Alignment of with CIDOC CRM 2021-06-10
Catalogus Professorum Model 2021-06-10
CRMsoc. Miscellanea 2021-06-10
ANY-ARTEFACT-V.1 2021-06-10
VOC Project namespace 2021-06-10
CRMba. An extension of CIDOC CRM to support buildings archaeology documentation 2021-06-10
CRM Activity Plans 2021-07-19
ATS 2021-06-10
OntoME sandbox namespace 2021-06-10
Heraudica Seminar 2021-06-24
ACAWAI 2021-06-10
Voeska namespace 2021-09-13
root of demindias test 2021-07-04
HisArc-RDF 2021-06-10
Stars 2021-09-07
Forestry 2021-10-24
TestNamespace 2021-10-13
SDHSS Archeological excavation and finds 2021-06-10
SDHSS Information Sourcing and Metadata 2021-07-30
SDHSS Social Life – Specific Aspects 2021-09-23
ANY-ARTEFACT 2023-07-28
shadowPuppetry 2023-07-18
CPM 2023-11-28
CRMweb 2023-10-19
SDHSS Propositions, Texts, Intellectual Life 2021-06-10
SDHSS Social, legal and economic life 2021-06-10
RiC-O 2023-09-06
Art and Architectural Argumentation Ontology 2021-06-10
Creative Processes Representation Ontology 2021-06-10
SDHSS CIDOC CRM Supplement 2021-06-10
Greyhound Breeds 2024-01-02
CRMInfluence. A multi-causal ontology model - part of the CIDOC-CRM ontology family 2024-04-04
Geovistory 2021-06-10
testOntology 2024-01-08
Germanic National Museum's ontology for digital longterm preservation (gnm-dlp) 2024-01-17
Semantic Data for Humanities and Social Sciences (SDHSS) 2021-06-10
Itineraries 2024-01-24
RDF Schema 2024-04-03 2024-01-17
CRMs: shortcuts for CIDOC-CRM 2024-01-17
termodoc 2024-06-09
CdROnt 2024-01-19
lead 2024-04-15
tod 2024-06-09
Semantic TEI Ontology 2024-06-19 2024-07-02
Authority Data Management Ontology 2024-06-19
Globalise Ontology 2024-06-19
Power, War, Religion and Relations Ontology 2024-07-13
Archmetal 2024-08-27
SDHSS Fiction 2024-09-03
Social Space Alignment 2024-09-09
CIDOC CRM RDF serialization 2024-10-30
jh_nd 2024-11-21
CRMtex: An Extension of CIDOC CRM to Model Textual Entities 2024-01-08
CRMinf: An Extension of CIDOC-CRM to support argumentation 2021-06-10
golem 2024-10-08
SDHSS Shortcuts and Additional Properties 2025-01-07
olea testing 2025-01-23