
Project Last updated
joschne_sandbox 2019-02-15
Positiones congregationis concilii 2019-04-05
test GV 2019-04-05
Evidence based Storylines 2019-04-05 2019-05-17
BHP — 2017-11-20
histHub-Norm 2017-11-20
SLWA Pictorial Item 2019-06-12
Geovistory 2017-11-20
Sound 2019-11-06
Monastica 2018-01-13
Society Religion Science (SRS). Digital intellectual history 2018-01-13
Music Circulation and Provenance 2019-11-14
Catalogus Professorum Model 2018-05-14
LinkedPasts2019 Example Ontology 2019-12-11
SIPROJURIS - Système d’information des professeurs de droit (1804-1950) 2018-09-24
R.O.S.E.R. mapping to CIDOC 2019-12-11
Alignment of with CIDOC CRM 2019-11-19
REFOVOTE 2018-12-07
EstampagesOnto 2020-04-20
APIS - Austrian Bibliographic Lexicon 2018-12-13
SILKNOW 2019-01-08
READ-IT 2019-01-10
Mittelhochdeutsche Begriffsdatenbank 2019-01-15
CIDOC CRM family models 2019-12-04
My sandbox project 2019-01-30
Maritime history 2019-09-20
PCP-on-Web Project Vocabulary 2019-01-31
OntoME internal model 2020-04-02
CIDOC CRM base 2019-12-04
My New Project 2019-12-15
Krater 2020-03-29
History of Heralds 2020-01-10
Patrimonium 2020-02-03
FRBRoo 2019-12-04
PRESSoo 2019-12-04
Test 2020-02-10
ohzzf 2020-02-11
LITEP 2020-02-18
epigraphy.infoVR 2020-02-20
Police-ordinances 2020-02-20
DEPCHA - Digital Edition Publishing Cooperative for Historical Accounts 2020-03-31
Public project 2020-03-31
Europeana Data Model 2020-03-31
Cimetières et sépultures en France 2020-03-31
GeoHistoricalPlaces - test 2020-04-01
GeoHistoricalPlaces 2020-04-08
Visual Contagions 2020-04-13
Atlas of States 2020-06-18
test 2020-07-02
ProjetXXXh 2020-07-21
Myontology 2020-09-07
CRMsoc Management 2020-09-30
Personal test project 2020-10-08
HisArc-RDF 2020-12-07
Crotone 2020-10-08
Historique des unités administratives françaises 2020-11-03
LocH - Local Heritage and History 2020-11-13
terms and conditions 2020-11-13
SDHSS Semantic Data for Humanities and Social Sciences 2022-09-21
CRMsoc. An extension of CIDOC CRM for capturing social documentation 2021-06-21
SDHSS CIDOC CRM supplement. An extension for controlled vocabularies and CIDOC CRM specialization 2022-09-28
CRMdig 2022-11-03
CRMsci 2023-01-17
CRMarchaeo 2023-01-17
Processetti 2019-12-22
CRMgeo 2023-01-17
CRMinf 2023-01-17
Factoïdes 2020-11-24
Legal Provisions Ontology 2020-12-03
Creative Processes Representation: Ontology Engineering Project 2024-11-18
privates Projekt zo KM 2020-12-23
Testprojekt LMU 2021-01-14
Protection sociales des non-nationaux en Suisse 2021-01-17
Cooliebrokers 2021-01-19
Test 2021-01-23
VOC 2021-02-03
test 2021-02-08
OntoEssai 2021-02-10
Economists_Lawyers 2021-02-25
maritime_history_cont 2021-02-27
Lumieres Lausanne - test 2021-03-08
test 2021-03-09
Projet mémoire master 2021-03-15
ANY-ARTEFACT 2021-03-31
Written Artefacts of Ethiopia 2021-04-22
ACAWAI-CS 2021-04-24
GeoSPARQL 2021-05-06
ATS 2021-06-10
Autor 2021-12-21
CRMsoc Miscellanea 2021-06-18
Heraudica 2021-06-24
catalogues raisonnés 2021-06-26
DemIndias - Test 2021-07-04
Open History Map 2021-07-12
MicroprofilHistory 2021-07-15
CRM Activity Plans 2021-07-19
TestOnto_Diversitas 2021-12-21
Astronomy 2021-09-07
narralive 2021-09-10
Dendrometria 2021-09-11
Gelehrtenzeitschriften 2021-09-23
Test 2021-10-06
Test 2021-10-13
Portrait database 2021-10-28
Typologies de l'iconographie du psaltérion médiéval 2021-11-10
Testprojekt 2021-11-25
deathscapes 2021-12-05
Typometrie 2021-12-06
Test project 2021-12-16
Diversa_Versuch1 2021-12-16
Triply Structure 2022-07-28
MoMaF 2022-01-12
wae 2022-01-18
Geovistory Development 2022-01-18
TestImportOmekaS 2022-02-14
SENSIM 2022-02-17
Denice's ontology 2022-02-23
NL 2022-03-08
FFCC Andalucía 2022-03-17
SDHSS Social, legal and economic life 2022-09-21
PhilOntology 2022-04-06
HNR Ontologie 2022-04-08
IArchHist 2022-04-23
Test-Project 2022-05-18
Test 2022-05-20
Test project 2022-06-06
CIDOC CRM CR 2022-06-28
Landscape Architecture History Ontology 2022-07-14
align Chronique to CIDOC-CRM 2022-08-31
Mediterranean and Atlantic merchant networks 1348–1528 2022-07-28
DOREMUS 2022-09-14
Scientific Instrument Types Ontology 2022-09-15
ThisIsATest 2022-09-16
SDHSS Education, Higher Education and Academies 2022-09-21
SDHSS Voyage, movement, transport and displacement 2022-09-27
SDHSS Archeological excavation and finds 2022-09-21
SDHSS Information Sourcing and Metadata 2022-09-21
Movies 2022-10-06
MoViEs 2022-10-07
PA's test project 2022-10-14
RELEVEN 2022-12-01
Venice shipping (1645-1669) 2022-12-14
Semafora 2022-12-15
Wittgenstein Document Ontology 2023-01-05
CRMba 2023-01-17
Test 2023-01-25
CAPRICORNIO 2023-02-10
OntSciDoc3D 2023-02-11
ontoTest 2023-02-16
GTM 2023-02-22
RISM Online 2023-03-28
Techn'hom Time Machine 2023-04-11
demenzdelir 2023-04-15
ManMax 2023-04-17
Lexique pluridisciplinaire 2023-04-25
SDHSS Social Life – Specific Aspects 2023-04-26
AHNA 2023-04-28
Test Ash 2023-07-13
Fig 2023-07-18
Test 2023-07-18
Lab In Virtuo 2023-07-28
CRM with RCC8 2023-08-28
Silk markets 2024-04-03
OntoME sandbox project 2023-09-18
OBARDI 2023-10-05
Web Archiving 2023-10-19
PTT Archiv (Bern Seminar) 2023-11-03
Structures Académiques 2023-11-07
Epigraphy Ontology 2023-11-14
CPM - Conservation Project Model 2023-11-28
epotec 2023-11-30
RDF Schema 2024-04-03
LRMoo 2023-12-11
Roll-O 2024-01-02
thisisatest 2024-01-02
CRMInfluence 2024-04-04
test_ont 2024-01-08
Germanic National Museum's Ontology for Digital Longterm Preservation 2024-01-17
PREMIS 3 Ontology 2024-01-17
Linked Itineraries 2024-01-18
RiskMap Ontology 2024-01-19
Syntaxe errors 2024-02-05
Onto 2024-02-06
Stpf_test 2024-02-21
AIR Ontologies Sandbox 2024-02-21
testzwz 2024-03-11
Test LARHRA 2024-04-08
lead 2024-04-15
Records in Contexts 2024-04-16
Records in Contexts-Ontology 2024-04-16
Records in Context-Conceptual Model 2024-04-16
Metapainting 2024-04-27
tod 2024-06-09
Termodoc 2024-06-09
SDHSS - Microprofiles 2024-06-12
Lingo Project 2024-06-19
Semantic TEI Modelling Project 2024-06-24
church 2024-07-02
Test-MCC 2024-07-05
GRACEFUL 2024-07-06
Power, War, Religion and Relations Ontology 2024-07-13
SDHSS Propositions, Texts, Intellectual Life 2024-07-22
DaSCH Metadata 2024-08-06
seer 2024-08-12
Bengal Folklore Ontology 2024-08-18
Archmetal 2024-08-27
SDHSS Fiction 2024-09-03
SARI Reference Data Models - Profiles 2024-09-06
Social Space Alignment 2024-09-09
Research Data Ontology Modelling Project 2024-09-16
CRMtex 2024-09-24
GEO OSE paleo test 2024-10-08
GOLEM 2024-10-08
BRIN_Archaeo_IPAD 2024-10-20
CIDOC CRM Supplement 2024-10-30
RICHES 2024-11-15
Globalise: Ontology Engineering Project 2024-11-18
Art and Architectural Argumentation: Ontology Engineering Project 2024-11-18
ND 2024-11-21
Heritage Textual Ontology 2024-11-27
Project 2024-11-29
test_injury 2024-12-04