has current owner (is current owner of) – P52
P52 has current owner (is current owner of)
Subproperty of:
Scope note:
This property identifies the E21 Person, E74 Group or E40 Legal Body that was the owner of an instance of E18 Physical Thing at the time this property was recorded.
P52 has current owner (is current owner of) is a shortcut for the more detailed path from E18 Physical Thing through P24 transferred title of (changed ownership through), E8 Acquisition, P22 transferred title to (acquired title through) to E39 Actor, if and only if this acquisition event is the most recent.
paintings from the Iveagh Bequest (E18) has current owner «English Heritage» (E40)
In First Order Logic:
- P52(x,y) ⇒ E18(x)
- P52(x,y) ⇒ E39(y)
- P52(x,y) ⇒ P51(x,y)
- P52(x,y) ⇒ P105(x,y)
Scope notes
Show | Scope note | Language | Namespace | View details | Comments |
This property identifies the E21 Person, E74 Group or E40 Legal Body that was the owner of an instance of E18 Physical Thing at the time this property was recorded.P52 has current owner (is current owner of) is a shortcut for the more detailed path from E18 Physical Thing through P24 transferred title of (changed ownership through), E8 Acquisition, P22 transferred title to (acquired title through) to E39 Actor, if and only if this acquisition event is the most recent. | en | CIDOC CRM version 5.0.4 | 0 |
Show | Example | Language | Namespace | View details | Comments |
paintings from the Iveagh Bequest (E18) has current owner «English Heritage» (E40) | en | CIDOC CRM version 5.0.4 | 0 |
Additional notes
Show | Notes | Type | Language | Namespace | View details | Comments |
Identifier: P52
Official URI: http://www.cidoc-crm.org/cidoc-crm/P52_has_current_owner
OntoME URI: https://ontome.net/ontology/p48
Domain and range
crm:E18 Physical Thing → P52 has current owner (is current owner of) → crm:E39 Actor (Quantifiers 0,n:0,n)
Label | Language | Last updated | View details | Comments |
has current owner (is current owner of) | en | 2022-06-13 | 0 | |
est actuellement possédée par (est le propriétaire actuel de) | fr | 2024-12-21 | 0 | |
имеет текущего владельца (является текущим владельцем для) | ru | 2024-12-21 | 0 | |
é propriedade de (é proprietário de) | pt | 2024-12-21 | 0 | |
έχει ιδιοκτήτη (είναι ιδιοκτήτης του) | el | 2024-12-21 | 0 | |
hat derzeitigen Besitzer (ist derzeitiger Besitzer von) | de | 2024-12-21 | 0 |
: Standard label for this language
Namespace | Last updated |
CIDOC CRM version 7.1.3 | 2022-06-13 |
CIDOC CRM version 5.0.4 | 2022-06-13 |
CIDOC CRM version 6.2 | 2021-06-10 |
Parent properties
Domain | Property | Range | Property namespace | Relation defined in | Justification | View details | Edit | Delete | Comments | ||
crm:E18 Physical Thing | (0,n) | P51 has former or current owner (is former or current owner of) | (0,n) | crm:E39 Actor | CIDOC CRM version 5.0.4 | CIDOC CRM version 5.0.4 | 0 | ||||
crm:E72 Legal Object | (0,n) | P105 right held by (has right on) | (0,n) | crm:E39 Actor | CIDOC CRM version 5.0.4 | CIDOC CRM version 5.0.4 | 0 |
Ancestor properties
Domain | Property | Range | Depth | Property namespace |
Child and descendant properties
Domain | Property | Range | Depth | Property namespace |
Related properties
Relation | Property | Property namespace | Relation defined in | Justification | View details | Edit | Delete | Comments |
Profiles using this property
Label | Version | Status | Last updated |
Silknow working profile | 1 | Ongoing | 2023-10-25 |
RiskMap ongoing | 1 | Ongoing | 2024-05-22 |
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