Geovistory Digitals Ongoing

Geovistory Digitals Ongoing


This profile contains classes and properties used for the treatment of Digitals in Geovistory.






Show Description Language
This profile contains classes and properties used for the treatment of Digitals in Geovistory. en


Project of belonging: Geovistory

 This profile is ongoing

Version: 1


Label Language Last updated
Geovistory Digitals Ongoing * en 2024-03-28
Geovistory Digitals (Temporary) en 2024-03-28

* : Standard label for this language

Associated classes JSON API

Identifier Class label Namespace Association type View customization
C7 Cell Geovistory (ongoing) Inferred
E33 Linguistic Object CIDOC CRM version 6.2 Inferred
C2 Actor's Social Quality SDHSS Social, legal and economic life ongoing Inferred
C16 Text Geovistory (ongoing) Selected
C29 Table Value Geovistory (ongoing) Inferred
C12 Actor's Social Role SDHSS Social, legal and economic life ongoing Inferred
E73 Information Object CIDOC CRM version 6.2 Inferred
F5 Item FRBRoo version 2.4 Selected
C21 Transcription Geovistory (ongoing) Rejected
C31 Mentioning in Table Geovistory (ongoing) Selected
C9 Asserted Actor's Role SDHSS - Propositions, Texts, Intellectual Life ongoing Selected
F2 Expression FRBRoo version 2.4 Selected
C27 Annotation in Table Geovistory (ongoing) Selected
C2 Chunk Geovistory (ongoing) Inferred
F18 Serial Work FRBRoo version 2.4 Inferred
C4 Web Request Geovistory (ongoing) Selected
C2 Expression Portion SDHSS - Propositions, Texts, Intellectual Life ongoing Selected
C24 Comment type Geovistory (ongoing) Selected
F4 Manifestation Singleton FRBRoo version 2.4 Selected
C18 Table Geovistory (ongoing) Selected
C28 Mentioning Geovistory (ongoing) Selected
C13 Propositional Datation SDHSS - Propositions, Texts, Intellectual Life ongoing Selected
C19 Definition Geovistory (ongoing) Selected
E1 CRM Entity CIDOC CRM version 6.2 Inferred
E21 Person CIDOC CRM version 6.2 Inferred
C23 Text type Geovistory (ongoing) Inferred
C14 Datation Type SDHSS - Propositions, Texts, Intellectual Life ongoing Selected
C20 Comment Geovistory (ongoing) Selected
C11 Reference Geovistory (ongoing) Inferred
E74 Group CIDOC CRM version 6.2 Inferred
F3 Manifestation Product Type FRBRoo version 2.4 Selected
E61 Time Primitive CIDOC CRM version 6.2 Inferred
E56 Language CIDOC CRM version 6.2 Inferred
C26 Annotation in Text Geovistory (ongoing) Selected
C15 Short title Geovistory (ongoing) Inferred
E62 String CIDOC CRM version 6.2 Inferred

Associated properties JSON API

Domain Identifier Property label Range Namespace Association type View customization
geov:C7 Cell ( 0 , n ) P9 refers to (is referred to by) ( 0 , 1 ) geov:C4 Web Request Geovistory (ongoing) Selected
geov:C19 Definition ( 1 , 1 ) P20 has value version (is value version of) ( 1 , n ) crm:E62 String Geovistory (ongoing) Selected
geov:C19 Definition ( 0 , n ) P72 has language (is language of) ( 1 , n ) crm:E56 Language CIDOC CRM version 6.2 Selected
geov:C19 Definition ( 1 , 1 ) P17 has short title (is short title of) ( 0 , n ) geov:C15 Short title Geovistory (ongoing) Selected
crm:E1 CRM Entity ( 1 , 1 ) P18 has definition (is definition of) ( 1 , n ) geov:C19 Definition Geovistory (ongoing) Selected
geov:C20 Comment ( 0 , n ) P22 has comment type (is comment type of) ( 0 , 1 ) geov:C24 Comment type Geovistory (ongoing) Selected
crm:E1 CRM Entity ( 1 , 1 ) P19 has comment (is comment about) ( 0 , n ) geov:C20 Comment Geovistory (ongoing) Selected
geov:C16 Text ( 0 , n ) P21 has text type (is text type of) ( 0 , 1 ) geov:C23 Text type Geovistory (ongoing) Selected
geov:C26 Annotation in Text ( 1 , n ) P25 annotated entity (is annotated by) ( 1 , 1 ) crm:E1 CRM Entity Geovistory (ongoing) Selected
geov:C26 Annotation in Text ( 0 , n ) P24 at position (is spot of) ( 1 , 1 ) geov:C2 Chunk Geovistory (ongoing) Selected
geov:C26 Annotation in Text ( 0 , n ) P23 is annotated in (has annotation) ( 1 , 1 ) geov:C1 [Geovistory] Digital Geovistory (ongoing) Rejected
geov:C26 Annotation in Text ( 0 , n ) P24 at position (is spot of) ( 1 , 1 ) geov:C1 [Geovistory] Digital Geovistory (ongoing) Rejected
geov:C27 Annotation in Table ( 1 , n ) P25 annotated entity (is annotated by) ( 1 , 1 ) crm:E1 CRM Entity Geovistory (ongoing) Selected
geov:C27 Annotation in Table ( 0 , n ) P24 at position (is spot of) ( 1 , 1 ) geov:C7 Cell Geovistory (ongoing) Selected
geov:C27 Annotation in Table ( 0 , n ) P23 is annotated in (has annotation) ( 1 , 1 ) geov:C18 Table Geovistory (ongoing) Selected
geov:C28 Mentioning ( 1 , n ) P27 is mentioned in (mentions) ( 1 , 1 ) frbroo:F3 Manifestation Product Type Geovistory (ongoing) Selected
geov:C28 Mentioning ( 1 , n ) P27 is mentioned in (mentions) ( 1 , 1 ) frbroo:F4 Manifestation Singleton Geovistory (ongoing) Selected
geov:C28 Mentioning ( 1 , n ) P27 is mentioned in (mentions) ( 1 , 1 ) geov:C4 Web Request Geovistory (ongoing) Selected
geov:C28 Mentioning ( 1 , n ) P27 is mentioned in (mentions) ( 1 , 1 ) frbroo:F5 Item Geovistory (ongoing) Selected
geov:C28 Mentioning ( 1 , n ) P27 is mentioned in (mentions) ( 1 , 1 ) frbroo:F18 Serial Work Geovistory (ongoing) Selected
geov:C28 Mentioning ( 1 , n ) P27 is mentioned in (mentions) ( 1 , 1 ) sdh-int:C2 Expression Portion Geovistory (ongoing) Selected
geov:C28 Mentioning ( 1 , n ) P26 mentions (is mentioned in) ( 1 , 1 ) crm:E1 CRM Entity Geovistory (ongoing) Selected
geov:C18 Table ( 1 , 1 ) P29 has value (is value of) ( 1 , 1 ) geov:C29 Table Value Geovistory (ongoing) Selected
geov:C18 Table ( 1 , 1 ) P17 has short title (is short title of) ( 0 , n ) geov:C15 Short title Geovistory (ongoing) Selected
geov:C18 Table ( 0 , n ) P72 has language (is language of) ( 1 , n ) crm:E56 Language CIDOC CRM version 6.2 Selected
geov:C20 Comment ( 1 , 1 ) P20 has value version (is value version of) ( 1 , n ) crm:E62 String Geovistory (ongoing) Selected
geov:C20 Comment ( 0 , n ) P72 has language (is language of) ( 1 , n ) crm:E56 Language CIDOC CRM version 6.2 Selected
geov:C26 Annotation in Text ( 0 , n ) P23 is annotated in (has annotation) ( 1 , 1 ) geov:C19 Definition Geovistory (ongoing) Selected
geov:C26 Annotation in Text ( 0 , n ) P23 is annotated in (has annotation) ( 1 , 1 ) geov:C20 Comment Geovistory (ongoing) Selected
geov:C21 Transcription ( 0 , n ) P72 has language (is language of) ( 1 , n ) crm:E56 Language CIDOC CRM version 6.2 Rejected
geov:C21 Transcription ( 1 , 1 ) P20 has value version (is value version of) ( 1 , n ) crm:E62 String Geovistory (ongoing) Rejected
geov:C21 Transcription ( 1 , 1 ) P17 has short title (is short title of) ( 0 , n ) geov:C15 Short title Geovistory (ongoing) Rejected
geov:C26 Annotation in Text ( 0 , n ) P23 is annotated in (has annotation) ( 1 , 1 ) geov:C21 Transcription Geovistory (ongoing) Rejected
geov:C26 Annotation in Text ( 0 , n ) P23 is annotated in (has annotation) ( 1 , 1 ) geov:C16 Text Geovistory (ongoing) Selected
geov:C28 Mentioning ( 0 , 1 ) P28 at position (is position of) ( 0 , 1 ) crm:E73 Information Object Geovistory (ongoing) Rejected
geov:C18 Table ( 0 , n ) P1 is reproduction of (has reproduction) ( 0 , n ) sdh-int:C2 Expression Portion Geovistory (ongoing) Selected
geov:C18 Table ( 0 , n ) P1 is reproduction of (has reproduction) ( 0 , n ) frbroo:F2 Expression Geovistory (ongoing) Selected
geov:C16 Text ( 1 , 1 ) P17 has short title (is short title of) ( 0 , n ) geov:C15 Short title Geovistory (ongoing) Selected
geov:C16 Text ( 0 , n ) P72 has language (is language of) ( 1 , n ) crm:E56 Language CIDOC CRM version 6.2 Selected
geov:C16 Text ( 0 , n ) P1 is reproduction of (has reproduction) ( 0 , n ) sdh-int:C2 Expression Portion Geovistory (ongoing) Selected
geov:C16 Text ( 0 , n ) P1 is reproduction of (has reproduction) ( 0 , n ) frbroo:F2 Expression Geovistory (ongoing) Selected
geov:C21 Transcription ( 0 , n ) P1 is reproduction of (has reproduction) ( 0 , n ) sdh-int:C2 Expression Portion Geovistory (ongoing) Rejected
geov:C21 Transcription ( 0 , n ) P1 is reproduction of (has reproduction) ( 0 , n ) frbroo:F2 Expression Geovistory (ongoing) Rejected
geov:C16 Text ( 1 , 1 ) P20 has value version (is value version of) ( 1 , n ) crm:E62 String Geovistory (ongoing) Selected
geov:C30 Source ( 0 , n ) P30 is about (is topic of) ( 0 , n ) frbroo:F5 Item Geovistory (ongoing) Rejected
frbroo:F4 Manifestation Singleton ( 0 , n ) P30 is about (is topic of) ( 0 , n ) crm:E21 Person Geovistory (ongoing) Rejected
frbroo:F4 Manifestation Singleton ( 0 , n ) P30 is about (is topic of) ( 0 , n ) crm:E1 CRM Entity Geovistory (ongoing) Selected
geov:C4 Web Request ( 0 , n ) P30 is about (is topic of) ( 0 , n ) crm:E21 Person Geovistory (ongoing) Rejected
geov:C4 Web Request ( 0 , n ) P30 is about (is topic of) ( 0 , n ) crm:E1 CRM Entity Geovistory (ongoing) Selected
frbroo:F3 Manifestation Product Type ( 0 , n ) P30 is about (is topic of) ( 0 , n ) crm:E21 Person Geovistory (ongoing) Rejected
frbroo:F3 Manifestation Product Type ( 0 , n ) P30 is about (is topic of) ( 0 , n ) crm:E1 CRM Entity Geovistory (ongoing) Selected
frbroo:F5 Item ( 0 , n ) P30 is about (is topic of) ( 0 , n ) crm:E21 Person Geovistory (ongoing) Rejected
frbroo:F5 Item ( 0 , n ) P30 is about (is topic of) ( 0 , n ) crm:E1 CRM Entity Geovistory (ongoing) Selected
sdh:C27 Belonging to a Physical Collection ( 0 , n ) P55 is about (belongs to) ( 0 , 1 ) frbroo:F5 Item SDHSS Semantic Data for Humanities and Social Sciences CIDOC CRM Extension ongoing Rejected
geov:C28 Mentioning ( 0 , 1 ) P28 at position (is position of) ( 0 , 1 ) geov:C11 Reference Geovistory (ongoing) Selected
geov:C31 Mentioning in Table ( 1 , n ) P27 is mentioned in (mentions) ( 1 , 1 ) geov:C18 Table Geovistory (ongoing) Selected
geov:C31 Mentioning in Table ( 1 , n ) P26 mentions (is mentioned in) ( 1 , 1 ) crm:E1 CRM Entity Geovistory (ongoing) Selected
geov:C31 Mentioning in Table ( 0 , 1 ) P28 at position (is position of) ( 0 , 1 ) geov:C7 Cell Geovistory (ongoing) Selected
sdh-int:C9 Asserted Actor's Role ( 0 , 1 ) P17 is qualified by (qualifies) ( 0 , 1 ) sdh-so:C2 Actor's Social Quality SDHSS - Propositions, Texts, Intellectual Life ongoing Selected
sdh-int:C13 Propositional Datation ( 0 , n ) P26 has datation value (is datation of) ( 1 , 1 ) crm:E61 Time Primitive SDHSS - Propositions, Texts, Intellectual Life ongoing Selected
sdh-int:C13 Propositional Datation ( 0 , n ) P27 has datation type (is type of) ( 0 , 1 ) sdh-int:C14 Datation Type SDHSS - Propositions, Texts, Intellectual Life ongoing Selected
sdh-int:C13 Propositional Datation ( 0 , n ) P16 is asserted by (asserts) ( 1 , 1 ) sdh-int:C2 Expression Portion SDHSS - Propositions, Texts, Intellectual Life ongoing Selected
sdh-int:C13 Propositional Datation ( 0 , n ) P16 is asserted by (asserts) ( 1 , 1 ) frbroo:F2 Expression SDHSS - Propositions, Texts, Intellectual Life ongoing Selected
sdh-int:C9 Asserted Actor's Role ( 0 , n ) P15 is role of (has role) ( 1 , 1 ) crm:E21 Person SDHSS - Propositions, Texts, Intellectual Life ongoing Selected
sdh-int:C9 Asserted Actor's Role ( 0 , n ) P18 is in the role of (is the role of) ( 0 , 1 ) sdh-so:C12 Actor's Social Role SDHSS - Propositions, Texts, Intellectual Life ongoing Selected
sdh-int:C9 Asserted Actor's Role ( 0 , n ) P15 is role of (has role) ( 1 , 1 ) crm:E74 Group SDHSS - Propositions, Texts, Intellectual Life ongoing Selected
sdh-int:C9 Asserted Actor's Role ( 0 , n ) P16 is asserted by (asserts) ( 1 , 1 ) sdh-int:C2 Expression Portion SDHSS - Propositions, Texts, Intellectual Life ongoing Selected
sdh-int:C9 Asserted Actor's Role ( 0 , n ) P16 is asserted by (asserts) ( 1 , 1 ) frbroo:F2 Expression SDHSS - Propositions, Texts, Intellectual Life ongoing Selected
geov:C28 Mentioning ( 0 , n ) P31 has mentioning content (is content of) ( 1 , 1 ) crm:E33 Linguistic Object Geovistory (ongoing) Selected
geov:C16 Text ( 0 , n ) P1 is reproduction of (has reproduction) ( 0 , n ) crm:E33 Linguistic Object Geovistory (ongoing) Selected
geov:C16 Text ( 0 , n ) P1 is reproduction of (has reproduction) ( 0 , n ) crm:E73 Information Object Geovistory (ongoing) Selected
geov:C18 Table ( 0 , n ) P1 is reproduction of (has reproduction) ( 0 , n ) crm:E33 Linguistic Object Geovistory (ongoing) Selected
geov:C28 Mentioning ( 1 , n ) P27 is mentioned in (mentions) ( 1 , 1 ) crm:E33 Linguistic Object Geovistory (ongoing) Selected
geov:C16 Text ( 0 , n ) P129 is about (is subject of) ( 0 , n ) crm:E1 CRM Entity CIDOC CRM version 6.2 Selected

Projects using the current profile

Project identifier Last updated
Geovistory Development 2022-01-18


Geovistory Digitals Ongoing is an ongoing profile.

Root profile: Geovistory Digitals [Root]

Other versions

Profile Version Status Publication date