


No description yet.


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Start date: 2017-11-01


Label Language Last updated
Geovistory * en 2018-06-22

* : Standard label for this language


Geovistory is a master project and has no subproject.

Root namespace

This project manages the Geovistory namespace.

Ongoing namespace: Geovistory (ongoing)

Published versions

Namespace Publication date

Profiles owned by this project

Profile Creation date
Enfants du placard 2021-09-22
[DO NOT USE] Test profile 2023-02-04
Geovistory Generic Historical Information Profile 2017-11-09
Geovistory Basics 2018-05-20
Linked identifiers 2021-04-09
Geovistory Digitals 2022-01-07
Maritime history 2019-06-15

Profiles used by this project

Profile Version Status Creation date API
Description of Sources ongoing 1 Ongoing 2021-08-11 JSON Classes   JSON Properties
Generic events and phases ongoing 1 Ongoing 2021-12-26 JSON Classes   JSON Properties
Intellectual and literary life 1 Ongoing 2020-05-28 JSON Classes   JSON Properties
Geovistory Basics 1 Ongoing 2018-05-20 JSON Classes   JSON Properties
Biographical basics and family 1 Ongoing 2019-11-04 JSON Classes   JSON Properties
Enfants du placard ongoing 1 Ongoing 2021-09-22 JSON Classes   JSON Properties
Inscriptions and Visual Items ongoing 1 Ongoing 2022-05-12 JSON Classes   JSON Properties
Generic activities ongoing 1 Ongoing 2022-09-14 JSON Classes   JSON Properties
Temples and Worship in Ancient Times ongoing 1 Ongoing 2022-06-14 JSON Classes   JSON Properties
Performances (play, concert, dance, conference, opera, ...) ongoing 1 Ongoing 2022-07-02 JSON Classes   JSON Properties
Displacements, movements and journeys ongoing 1 Ongoing 2022-09-18 JSON Classes   JSON Properties
Phenomena Observation ongoing 1 Ongoing 2022-11-25 JSON Classes   JSON Properties
Writing of a portion of a longer text (daily diary, account book, etc.) 1 Ongoing 2020-12-21 JSON Classes   JSON Properties
Object move and presence ongoing 1 Ongoing 2023-11-23 JSON Classes   JSON Properties
Physical human-made things and basic information about them 1 Ongoing 2020-05-20 JSON Classes   JSON Properties
Activities - Detailed Participation ongoing 1 Ongoing 2024-01-17 JSON Classes   JSON Properties
Linguistic Objects - Basic and Creation ongoing 1 Ongoing 2024-03-27 JSON Classes   JSON Properties
Requests and Decisions ongoing 1 Ongoing 2024-04-23 JSON Classes   JSON Properties
Basic information about location of physical things ongoing 1 Ongoing 2023-03-23 JSON Classes   JSON Properties
ANR Processetti 1 Ongoing 2019-12-22 JSON Classes   JSON Properties
Professional life 1 Ongoing 2020-01-04 JSON Classes   JSON Properties
Maritime history 1 Ongoing 2019-06-15 JSON Classes   JSON Properties
Artefacts – Characteristics 1 Ongoing 2021-05-10 JSON Classes   JSON Properties
Law, rights, obligations 1 Ongoing 2021-03-31 JSON Classes   JSON Properties
Archaeological excavations 1 Ongoing 2021-05-03 JSON Classes   JSON Properties
Identifiers 1 Ongoing 2021-04-09 JSON Classes   JSON Properties
Higher Education Teaching ongoing 1 Ongoing 2021-06-11 JSON Classes   JSON Properties
Structures - Description in the context of excavations 1 Ongoing 2021-05-10 JSON Classes   JSON Properties
Animal - Biological classification ongoing 1 Ongoing 2024-07-12 JSON Classes   JSON Properties
Social and legal qualities of a person 1 Ongoing 2021-03-26 JSON Classes   JSON Properties
Interactions, Social Relationships and Memberships of Persons 1 Ongoing 2020-01-04 JSON Classes   JSON Properties
Group - Formation and Dissolution events ongoing 1 Ongoing 2024-07-10 JSON Classes   JSON Properties
Propositional Object - Comprehensive ongoing 1 Ongoing 2024-07-22 JSON Classes   JSON Properties
Education ongoing 1 Ongoing 2021-06-11 JSON Classes   JSON Properties
Constructions - Use ongoing 1 Ongoing 2023-05-11 JSON Classes   JSON Properties
Constructions - Production, modification and transformation ongoing 2 Ongoing 2023-05-10 JSON Classes   JSON Properties
Physical Human-Made Things - Classification and Connotation ongoing 1 Ongoing 2023-09-12 JSON Classes   JSON Properties
Museal Collection ongoing 1 Ongoing 2023-09-21 JSON Classes   JSON Properties
Planned voyages ongoing 1 Ongoing 2023-11-03 JSON Classes   JSON Properties
Epistemic Situation Description ongoing 1 Ongoing 2023-11-05 JSON Classes   JSON Properties
Telecommunication Network ongoing 1 Ongoing 2023-11-07 JSON Classes   JSON Properties
Groups and organizations ongoing 1 Ongoing 2021-07-01 JSON Classes   JSON Properties
Propositional Object - Purpose ongoing 1 Ongoing 2024-07-24 JSON Classes   JSON Properties
Collecte ongoing 1 Ongoing 2023-11-15 JSON Classes   JSON Properties
Person and Group - Membership ongoing 1 Ongoing 2024-07-10 JSON Classes   JSON Properties

Thesaurus list

There is currently no controlled vocabulary linked to this project.

Members of the project

Name Institution Role
Francesco Beretta CNRS Administrator
Vincent Alamercery École normale supérieure de Lyon Manager
Jonas Schneider Kleio Lab GmbH Administrator
Gaétan Muck kleiolab Member
Djamel Ferhod CNRS Member
David Knecht KleioLab GmbH Member
Gwendolin Ortega kleiolab Member
Stephen Hart Université de Bern Manager