Actor's Social Role – C12

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C12 Actor's Social Role

Scope note:

A social role is a qualification of an actor, individual or collective, that provides it with social power, i.e. some rights and duties related to the role, like a king, the president of an Academy, the Government of a country, etc.

A social role exists in the context of one or more specific costums or laws and is generally related to an institutionalized context. As a subclass of the sdh-so:C26 Legal Quality class it inherits the property sdh-so:P69 is defined in the context of that associates it to a sdh-so:C25 Political or Administrative Entity instance.


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In First Order Logic:

  • C12(x) ⇒ C26(x)
  • C12(x) ⇒ C2(x)

Scope notes


Additional notes

Identifier: C12

Official URI:


* : Standard label for this language


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