SDHSS Higher education and academies ongoing

SDHSS Higher education and academies ongoing


This namespace allows the creation and management of classes and properties specific to the research sub-domain of university history, higher education and academies.




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Show Description Language Validation
This namespace allows the creation and management of classes and properties specific to the research sub-domain of university history, higher education and academies. en Candidate


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Base URI:

Project of belonging: SDHSS Education, Higher Education and Academies

This namespace is ongoing and can be modified at any time. It is not advisable to use its classes and properties.

Namespaces to which this ongoing namespace refers

SDHSS Semantic Data for Humanities and Social Sciences CIDOC CRM Extension ongoing
CIDOC CRM version 6.2
SDHSS Social, legal and economic life ongoing
SDHSS CIDOC CRM supplement – ongoing


Label Language Last updated Validation
SDHSS Higher education and academies ongoing * en 2022-09-28 Candidate

* : Standard label for this language


SDHSS Higher education and academies ongoing is an ongoing namespace.

Root namespace: SDHSS Higher education and academies

Published versions

Namespace Publication date


Identifier Class Last updated Validation status
C8 Training 2024-11-20 Candidate
C7 Academic Position 2021-11-25 Candidate
C6 Academic Chair 2021-11-25 Candidate
C5 Academic Discipline 2023-07-24 Candidate
C4 Study title 2021-06-14 Candidate
C3 Obtaining a Study Title 2021-10-04 Candidate
C2 Study 2021-06-11 Candidate
C1 Teaching 2023-11-28 Candidate


Domain Domain namespace Identifier Property Range Range namespace Last updated Validation status
Obtaining a Study Title – C3 SDHSS Higher education and academies ongoing (0,n) P4 is obtention of (obtained in) (1,1) Study title – C4 SDHSS Higher education and academies ongoing 2024-08-22 Candidate
Study – C2 SDHSS Higher education and academies ongoing (0,n) P1 is study at (institution of study of) (1,1) Group – E74 CIDOC CRM version 6.2 2021-10-26 Candidate
Obtaining a Study Title – C3 SDHSS Higher education and academies ongoing (0,n) P11 is delivered by (delivers) (0,n) Group – E74 CIDOC CRM version 6.2 2021-10-26 Candidate
Teaching – C1 SDHSS Higher education and academies ongoing (0,n) P8 carried out at (is the setting of) (0,1) Group – E74 CIDOC CRM version 6.2 2021-10-26 Candidate
Obtaining a Study Title – C3 SDHSS Higher education and academies ongoing (0,n) P13 is obtained at (place of obtention) (0,n) Geographical Place – C13 SDHSS Semantic Data for Humanities and Social Sciences CIDOC CRM Extension ongoing 2021-07-07 Candidate
Study – C2 SDHSS Higher education and academies ongoing (0,n) P12 is study of (is studied in) (0,n) Academic Discipline – C5 SDHSS Higher education and academies ongoing 2021-06-30 Candidate
Academic Chair – C6 SDHSS Higher education and academies ongoing (0,n) P10 has as disciplinary area (is disciplinary area of) (0,n) Academic Discipline – C5 SDHSS Higher education and academies ongoing 2021-06-29 Candidate
Teaching – C1 SDHSS Higher education and academies ongoing (0,n) P9 has rank (is rank of) (0,1) Academic Position – C7 SDHSS Higher education and academies ongoing 2021-06-29 Candidate
Teaching – C1 SDHSS Higher education and academies ongoing (0,n) P7 is carried out by (carries out) (1,1) Person – E21 CIDOC CRM version 6.2 2021-06-28 Candidate
Teaching – C1 SDHSS Higher education and academies ongoing (0,n) P6 concerns (is concerned by) (0,n) Academic Discipline – C5 SDHSS Higher education and academies ongoing 2021-06-28 Candidate
Obtaining a Study Title – C3 SDHSS Higher education and academies ongoing (0,n) P5 has academic supervisor (is academic supervisor of) (0,n) Person – E21 CIDOC CRM version 6.2 2021-06-28 Candidate
Obtaining a Study Title – C3 SDHSS Higher education and academies ongoing (0,n) P3 was obtained by (has obtained) (1,1) Person – E21 CIDOC CRM version 6.2 2021-10-04 Candidate
Study – C2 SDHSS Higher education and academies ongoing (0,n) P2 is the study by (carried out the study) (1,1) Person – E21 CIDOC CRM version 6.2 2024-04-19 Candidate


Filter by

Source Source namespace Relation Target Target namespace Last updated Type
Teaching – C1 SDHSS Higher education and academies ongoing rdfs:subClassOf Epistemic Phase of a Physical Thing – C99 SDHSS Semantic Data for Humanities and Social Sciences CIDOC CRM Extension ongoing 2021-06-10 ClassesRelation-HierarchyAssociation
Study – C2 SDHSS Higher education and academies ongoing rdfs:subClassOf Training – C8 SDHSS Higher education and academies ongoing 2024-11-20 ClassesRelation-HierarchyAssociation
Study title – C4 SDHSS Higher education and academies ongoing rdfs:subClassOf Legal Quality – C26 SDHSS Social, legal and economic life ongoing 2021-06-14 ClassesRelation-HierarchyAssociation
Obtaining a Study Title – C3 SDHSS Higher education and academies ongoing rdfs:subClassOf Legal Quality Acquisition – C29 SDHSS Social, legal and economic life ongoing 2021-06-14 ClassesRelation-HierarchyAssociation
Academic Discipline – C5 SDHSS Higher education and academies ongoing rdfs:subClassOf Representations – C26 SDHSS Semantic Data for Humanities and Social Sciences CIDOC CRM Extension ongoing 2021-06-28 ClassesRelation-HierarchyAssociation
Academic Chair – C6 SDHSS Higher education and academies ongoing rdfs:subClassOf Actor's Social Role – C12 SDHSS Social, legal and economic life ongoing 2021-06-28 ClassesRelation-HierarchyAssociation
Academic Position – C7 SDHSS Higher education and academies ongoing rdfs:subClassOf Legal Quality – C26 SDHSS Social, legal and economic life ongoing 2021-06-29 ClassesRelation-HierarchyAssociation
Training – C8 SDHSS Higher education and academies ongoing rdfs:subClassOf Activity – E7 CIDOC CRM version 6.2 2024-11-20 ClassesRelation-HierarchyAssociation


Show Note Type Language Entity


List of mismatches with reference namespaces

Entities listed here are not correctly associated with your reference namespaces. They are displayed in red in your ongoing namespace. They may not be available in the version of the selected space. Or you may not have selected any version of a reference namespace.
Please make the necessary corrections before proceeding.

Type of relation Entity Namespace Error type