Intentional State – C7

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C7 Intentional State

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Scope note:

This class comprises opinions, beliefs, certainties, doubts etc. of a person or collective of persons about representations concerning one or more objects. The representations, present in the minds in the form of propositional objects, are considered as being stable during a given time-span. Intentional states are modelled as a time-indexed quality inherent to a person, or persons belonging to an intentional collective, having as content a propositional object defining the content of the state of mind about an object. The concerned object of the intentional state can be associated to the propositional content using the crm:P129 is about (is subject of) property, while the type or mode of intentional state, e.g. belief, hope, fear, etc. can be expressed with the sdh:P44 has intentional type (is intentional type of) property.

Individual or collective states of mind are an expression of intentionality, defined in philosophy as "the power of minds and mental states to be about, to represent, or to stand for things, properties and states of affairs. To say of an individual’s mental states that they have intentionality is to say that they are mental representations or that they have contents" (Jacob, Pierre, "Intentionality", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2019 Edition), ed. Edward N. Zalta).


The fear that war will break out with the neighbouring country

Renzo hopes that Lucia will marry him (Alessandro Manzoni, I promessi sposi)

In the context of late 16th century mathematics, Johannes Kepler is convinced that the Earth moves around the Sun in an elliptical orbit

In the context of late 16th century standard aristotelian science, Cesare Cremonini has the certainty that the Earth, as an extremely heavy body, rests at the centre of the Universe

In First Order Logic:

  • C7(x) ⇒ C4(x)

Scope notes


Additional notes

Identifier: C7

Official URI:


* : Standard label for this language


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