ascribes intentional target (is intentional target ascribed by) – ZP2
ZP2 ascribes intentional target (is intentional target ascribed by)
No quantifiers yet.
Superproperty of:
- aaao:ZE2 Appellative Status → aaao:ZP6 ascribes appellation (is appellation ascribed by) → crm:E41 Appellation
- aaao:ZE4 Classificatory Status → aaao:ZP12 ascribes classification (is classification ascribed by) → crm:E55 Type
- aaao:ZE7 Custodial Status → aaao:ZP21 ascribes custodian (is custodian ascribed by) → crm:E39 Actor
- aaao:ZE8 Ownership Status → aaao:ZP24 ascribes owner (is owners ascribed by) → crm:E39 Actor
- aaao:ZE9 Residential Status → aaao:ZP27 acribes residence place (is residence place ascribed by) → crm:E53 Place
- aaao:ZE11 Membership Status → aaao:ZP33 ascribes group (is group ascribed by) → crm:E74 Group
- aaao:ZE12 Referential Status → aaao:ZP36 ascribes referent (is referent ascribed by) → crm:E1 CRM Entity
- aaao:ZE14 Similarity Status → aaao:ZP44 ascribes similarity target (is similarity target ascribed by) → crm:E1 CRM Entity
- aaao:ZE15 Set Status → aaao:ZP48 ascribes set (is set ascribed by) → aaao:ZE24 Notional Set
- aaao:ZE25 Dating Status → aaao:ZP54 ascribes relative date (is relative date ascribed by) → crm:E4 Period
- aaao:ZE30 Property Right Status → aaao:ZP65 ascribes property right holder (is property right holder ascribed by) → crm:E39 Actor
- aaao:ZE35 Locative Status → aaao:ZP77 ascribes place (is place ascribed by) → crm:E53 Place
- aaao:ZE45 Promissory Status → aaao:ZP86 ascribes promisee (is promisee ascribed by) → aaao:ZE36 Persons
- aaao:ZE45 Promissory Status → aaao:ZP87 ascribes promisor (is promisor ascribed by) → crm:E39 Actor
- aaao:ZE49 Text Sequence Status → aaao:ZP94 ascribes text sequence correlate (is text sequence correlate ascribed by) → crmtex:TX4 Writing Field
- aaao:ZE50 Authority Status → aaao:ZP97 ascribes authority status (is authority status ascribed by) → crm:E55 Type
- aaao:ZE55 Social Relation Status → aaao:ZP103 ascribes social relation target (is social relation target ascribed by) → crm:E39 Actor
Scope note:
This property is used to indicate the entity which an instance of institutional fact ascribes to its subject. The intentional target indicated by this property is the object which the institutional fact establishes as holding of its subject for the group committed to this institutional reality. The manner of its holding is indicated by the intentional relation.
- The Ownership Status of the Gʼpsgolox totem pole (ZE8) ascribes owner (ZP24) the Haisla people (E74). (
- The Classificatory Status of the "French baguette" (ZE4) ascribes classification (ZP12) Intangible Cultural Heritage (E55). (
In First Order Logic:
- ZP2(x,y) ⇒ ZE1(x)
- ZP2(x,y) ⇒ E1(y)
Scope notes
Additional notes
Identifier: ZP2
Official URI:
Domain and range
aaao:ZE1 Institutional Fact → ZP2 ascribes intentional target (is intentional target ascribed by) → crm:E1 CRM Entity
: Standard label for this language
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