took out of existence (was taken out of existence by) – P93

P93 took out of existence (was taken out of existence by)



Scope note:

This property links an instance of E64 End of Existence to the instance of E77 Persistent Item taken out of existence by it.

In the case of immaterial things, the instance of E64 End of Existence is considered to take place with the destruction of the last physical carrier.

This allows an “end” to be attached to any instance of E77 Persistent Item being documented i.e., instances of E70 Thing, E72 Legal Object, E39 Actor, E41 Appellation and E55 Type. For many instances of E77 Persistent Item we know the maximum life-span and can infer that they must have ended to exist. We assume in that case an instance of E64 End of Existence, which may be as unnoticeable as forgetting the secret knowledge by the last representative of some indigenous nation.


The death of Mozart (E69) took out of existence Mozart (E21). (Deutsch, 1965)

In First Order Logic:

  • P93(x,y) ⇒ E64(x)
  • P93(x,y) ⇒ E77(y)
  • P93(x,y) ⇒ P12(x,y)

Scope notes

Show Scope note Language Namespace View details Comments
This property links an instance of E64 End of Existence to the instance of E77 Persistent Item taken out of existence by it.In the case of immaterial things, the instance of E64 End of Existence is considered to take place with the destruction of the last physical carrier.This allows an “end” to be attached to any instance of E77 Persistent Item being documented i.e., instances of E70 Thing, E72 Legal Object, E39 Actor, E41 Appellation and E55 Type. For many instances of E77 Persistent Item we know the maximum life-span and can infer that they must have ended to exist. We assume in that case an instance of E64 End of Existence, which may be as unnoticeable as forgetting the secret knowledge by the last representative of some indigenous nation. en CIDOC CRM version 7.1.3 0
Cette propriété lie une instance de E64_Fin_d'existence à l'instance de E77_Entité_persistante qu'elle a fait cesser d'exister.Dans le cas des choses immatérielles, il est considéré que l'instance de E64_Fin_d'existence a lieu au moment de la destruction du dernier support physique.Cette propriété permet d'associer une « fin » à une instance documentée de E77_Entité_persistante, c.-à-d. à une instance de E70_Chose, E72_Objet_juridique, E39_Actant, E41_Appellation ou E55_Type.La durée de vie maximale de nombreuses instances de E77_Entité_persistante étant connue, il est possible d'inférer qu'elles doivent avoir cessé d'exister. Dans ce cas, l'instance de E64_Fin_d'existence est présumée et elle peut être aussi imperceptible que l'oubli par le dernier représentant d'une nation autochtone d'un savoir secret. fr CIDOC CRM version 7.1.3 0


Show Example Language Namespace View details Comments
The death of Mozart (E69) took out of existence Mozart (E21). (Deutsch, 1965) en CIDOC CRM version 7.1.3 0
La mort de Mozart (E69_Mort) a mis fin à l'existence de (P93_a_mis_fin_à_l'existence_de) Mozart (E21_Personne) (Deutsch, 1965) fr CIDOC CRM version 7.1.3 0

Additional notes

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Identifier: P93

Official URI:

Domain and range

crm:E64 End of Existence → P93 took out of existence (was taken out of existence by) → crm:E77 Persistent Item  (Quantifiers 0,1:1,n)


Label Language Last updated View details Comments
took out of existence (was taken out of existence by) * en 2022-06-13 0
a mis fin à l'existence de (a cessé d'exister par) * fr 2024-03-21 0
положил конец существованию (прекратил существование посредством) ru 2024-03-14 0
结束存在的是 (被结束存在) zh 2024-03-14 0
cessou a existência de (deixou de existir) pt 2024-03-14 0
αναίρεσε (αναιρέθηκε από) el 2024-03-14 0
beendete die Existenz von (wurde seiner Existenz beraubt durch) de 2024-03-14 0

: Standard label for this language


Namespace Last updated
CIDOC CRM version 7.1.3 2022-06-13
CIDOC CRM version 5.0.4 2022-06-13
CIDOC CRM version 6.2 2021-06-10

Parent properties

Domain Property Range Property namespace Relation defined in Justification View details Edit Delete Comments
crm:E5 Event (0,n) P12 occurred in the presence of (was present at) (1,n) crm:E77 Persistent Item CIDOC CRM version 7.1.3 CIDOC CRM version 7.1.3 0

Ancestor properties

Domain Property Range Depth Property namespace

Child and descendant properties

Domain Property Range Depth Property namespace
crm:E6 Destruction (0,1) P13 destroyed (was destroyed by) (1,n) crm:E18 Physical Thing 1 CIDOC CRM version 7.1.3
crm:E68 Dissolution (0,n) P99 dissolved (was dissolved by) (1,n) crm:E74 Group 1 CIDOC CRM version 7.1.3
crm:E69 Death (0,1) P100 was death of (died in) (1,n) crm:E21 Person 1 CIDOC CRM version 7.1.3
crm:E81 Transformation (0,1) P124 transformed (was transformed by) (1,n) crm:E18 Physical Thing 1 CIDOC CRM version 7.1.3

Related properties

Relation Property Property namespace Relation defined in Justification View details Edit Delete Comments

Profiles using this property

Label Version Status Last updated
RiskMap ongoing 1 Ongoing 2024-05-22
Silknow working profile 1 Ongoing 2023-10-25
