Creation - Participation Detailed ongoing
Creation - Participation Detailed ongoing
This profile describes the creation activity and the detailed participation of persons and groups in it, including their roles as well as the person or group who mandated others in this creation activity.
This is the extended profile of Creation - Participation Light.
The documentation of persons and groups that contributed to the creation but did not take part in the actual creation (such as a sponsor) is described in the profile Creation - Indirect Participation.
The relationships that can exist between participations, such as when an author is assisting another author in the writing of a book, is documented in the profile Participation - Related Participations.
The creation of the specific case of an expression is documented in the profiles:
- Expression Creation - Participation Light
- Expression Creation - Participation Detailed
- Expression Creation - Indirect Participation
What can be described in this profile:
- The time-span of the creation event
- The Geographical Place of the creation event
- The role of the person or group that took part in the creation event
- The person or group that mandated the person or group to take part in the creation event.
- Virgil (70 - 18 BC) participated in the creation of the Aeneid between 29 and 19 BC with the role of author.
Project of belonging: SDHSS - Microprofiles
This profile is ongoing
Version: 1
* : Standard label for this language
Associated classes JSON API
Associated properties JSON API
Projects using the current profile
Creation - Participation Detailed ongoing is an ongoing profile.
Root profile: Creation - Participation Detailed [Root]
Other versions
Namespaces used by this profile
- CIDOC CRM version 6.2
- FRBRoo version 2.4
- SDHSS CIDOC CRM supplement – ongoing
- CRMdig version 3.2.1
- SDHSS Semantic Data for Humanities and Social Sciences CIDOC CRM Extension ongoing
- SDHSS - Propositions, Texts, Intellectual Life ongoing
- SDHSS Social, legal and economic life ongoing
- SDHSS Higher education and academies ongoing
- CRMsci version 1.2.3