Creation - Information Object ongoing

Creation - Information Object ongoing


This profile describes the creation event of an Information Object, which is understood as an identifiable immaterial item, such as poems, jokes, data sets, images, texts, multimedia objects, procedural prescriptions, computer program code, algorithms, or mathematical formulae, that have an objectively recognizable structure and are documented as single units.

The more specific case of the creation of an expression is documented in the profile Expression Creation - Expression.

The involvement of persons and groups in the creation process is documented in the various profiles:

What can be described in this profile:

  • The time-span of the creation of the Information Object
  • The geographical place of this creation








Show Description Language
This profile describes the creation event of an Information Object, which is understood as an identifiable immaterial item, such as poems, jokes, data sets, images, texts, multimedia objects, procedural prescriptions, computer program code, algorithms, or mathematical formulae, that have an objectively recognizable structure and are documented as single units. The more specific case of the creation of an expression is documented in the profile Expression Creation - Expression. The involvement of persons and groups in the creation process is documented in the various profiles: Creation - Indirect Participation Creation - Participation Detailed Creation - Participation Light What can be described in this profile: The time-span of the creation of the Information Object The geographical place of this creation Examples:   en


Project of belonging: SDHSS - Microprofiles

 This profile is ongoing

Version: 1


Label Language Last updated
Creation - Information Object ongoing * en 2024-08-29

* : Standard label for this language

Associated classes JSON API

Identifier Class label Namespace Association type View customization
E73 Information Object CIDOC CRM version 6.2 Selected
E65 Creation CIDOC CRM version 6.2 Selected
C13 Geographical Place SDHSS Semantic Data for Humanities and Social Sciences CIDOC CRM Extension ongoing Inferred

Associated properties JSON API

Domain Identifier Property label Range Namespace Association type View customization
crm:E65 Creation ( 0 , n ) P6 took place at (was place of) ( 1 , n ) sdh:C13 Geographical Place SDHSS Semantic Data for Humanities and Social Sciences CIDOC CRM Extension ongoing Selected
crm:E65 Creation ( 1 , 1 ) P94 has created (was created by) ( 1 , n ) crm:E73 Information Object CIDOC CRM version 6.2 Selected

Projects using the current profile

Project identifier Last updated
Geovistory 2017-11-20


Creation - Information Object ongoing is an ongoing profile.

Root profile: Creation - Information Object [Root]

Other versions

Profile Version Status Publication date