Actor - Legal Location ongoing
Actor - Legal Location ongoing
This profile describes the legal location of a person or a group, or in other words their official domicile or legal seat. The address should be documented using the Kind ‘Address’ of the instance of sdh:C13 Geographical Place.
This profile, therefore, does not describe the actual location of a person (and groups do not have a physical location, as they are immaterial entities).
The actual location of a person in relation to another physical thing, such as a Geographical Place, a Construction or any other human-made object (such as a boat) is described by the profile Person - Relative Location.
The social or epistemic location of a person is described by the profile Person - Social Location.
What can be decribed in this profile:
- The time-span of the legal location of the person or group
- The Geographical Place of that legal location
- The type of legal location
- The group that represents the context in which the legal location is realized by or associated to
- The Pasteur Institute (a French non-profit private foundation dedicated to the study of biology, micro-organisms, diseases, and vaccines), has been located from its fondation in 1888 to today at the address 25 rue Dutot (Paris). However, the name of the street was changed in 1934 for Rue du Docteur-Roux, which means that the Pasteur Institute is now located at 25-28, rue du Docteur-Roux.
Project of belonging: SDHSS - Microprofiles
This profile is ongoing
Version: 1
* : Standard label for this language
Associated classes JSON API
Associated properties JSON API
Projects using the current profile
Actor - Legal Location ongoing is an ongoing profile.
Root profile: Actor - Legal Location [Root]
Other versions
Namespaces used by this profile
- CIDOC CRM version 6.2
- FRBRoo version 2.4
- SDHSS CIDOC CRM supplement – ongoing
- CRMdig version 3.2.1
- SDHSS Semantic Data for Humanities and Social Sciences CIDOC CRM Extension ongoing
- SDHSS - Propositions, Texts, Intellectual Life ongoing
- SDHSS Social, legal and economic life ongoing
- SDHSS Higher education and academies ongoing
- CRMsci version 1.2.3