Group - Classification ongoing
Group - Classification ongoing
This profile decribes the classification of a group as it can be percieved by individuals or groups (formal or informal), in a specific context and during a certain time-span, which allows the documentation of evolving or contradictory classifications.
Types that are unique and applicable to the whole life of the group, or in other words types that are identity defining, are documented in the profile Group - Type.
What can be described in this profile:
- The classification term, documented with a controlled vocabulary
- The content of the classification, documented as a propositional object
- The context of this classification
- The time-span of the classification
- The ancient roman senate has been classified by Wikidata with "political institution", "governing body", "legislature" and "aristocracy"
Project of belonging: SDHSS - Microprofiles
This profile is ongoing
Version: 1
* : Standard label for this language
Associated classes JSON API
Associated properties JSON API
Projects using the current profile
Group - Classification ongoing is an ongoing profile.
Root profile: Group - Classification [Root]
Other versions
Namespaces used by this profile
- CIDOC CRM version 6.2
- FRBRoo version 2.4
- SDHSS CIDOC CRM supplement – ongoing
- CRMdig version 3.2.1
- SDHSS Semantic Data for Humanities and Social Sciences CIDOC CRM Extension ongoing
- SDHSS - Propositions, Texts, Intellectual Life ongoing
- SDHSS Social, legal and economic life ongoing
- SDHSS Higher education and academies ongoing
- CRMsci version 1.2.3