Group - Type Root

Group - Type


This profile describes the type of a group that is identity defining, which means that it is unique and applicable to the whole life of a group. It does not decribe the classification of a group, that can be evolving or context specific.

The profile Group - Classification decribes those classifications that are not necessarily identity defining and that can be simultaneous, contradictory, contextualized, and time bounded.

See the latest version of the profile in the tab Versions.


Show Description Language
This profile describes the type of a group that is identity defining, which means that it is unique and applicable to the whole life of a group. It does not decribe the classification of a group, that can be evolving or context specific. The profile Group - Classification decribes those classifications that are not necessarily identity defining and that can be simultaneous, contradictory, contextualized, and time bounded. See the latest version of the profile in the tab Versions. en


Start date: 2024-08-26

Project of belonging: SDHSS - Microprofiles

This profile is a root profile. Find all its versions in the Versions tab.


Label Language Last updated
Group - Type * en 2024-08-26

* : Standard label for this language


Group - Type is a root profile.

Ongoing version: Group - Type ongoing

Other versions

Profile Version Status Publication date