Person - Gender light ongoing

Person - Gender light ongoing



This profile describes the classification of individuals based on their gender (the gender itself should be manage by controlled vocabularies) without the notion of temporallity. This means that changes in gender cannot be documented, but multiple genders can be assigned at the same time.

For a more detailed, flexible and fluid description of gender, see the Person - Gender extended profile.

What can be described in this profile

- The Gender of the person, documented with controlled vocabularies


Example 1

Louis Pasteur is classified as a male, using the wikidata vocabulary instance

Example 2

Claude Cahun (1894 - 1954), a french surrealist photographer, sculptor and writer, was assigned the gender female from birth (Assigned female at birth from the homosaurus vocabulary,, and even if she reffereed to herself as "elle" (her), she also mentionned that her gender was fluid (Genderfluid identity,






Show Description Language
Description This profile describes the classification of individuals based on their gender (the gender itself should be manage by controlled vocabularies) without the notion of temporallity. This means that changes in gender cannot be documented, but multiple genders can be assigned at the same time. For a more detailed, flexible and fluid description of gender, see the Person - Gender extended profile. What can be described in this profile - The Gender of the person, documented with controlled vocabularies Examples Example 1 Louis Pasteur is classified as a male, using the wikidata vocabulary instance Example 2 Claude Cahun (1894 - 1954), a french surrealist photographer, sculptor and writer, was assigned the gender female from birth (Assigned female at birth from the homosaurus vocabulary,, and even if she reffereed to herself as "elle" (her), she also mentionned that her gender was fluid (Genderfluid identity, en


Project of belonging: SDHSS - Microprofiles

 This profile is ongoing

Version: 1


Label Language Last updated
Person - Gender light ongoing * en 2024-06-12

* : Standard label for this language

Associated classes JSON API

Identifier Class label Namespace Association type View customization
C11 Gender SDHSS Social, legal and economic life ongoing Selected
E21 Person CIDOC CRM version 6.2 Selected

Associated properties JSON API

Domain Identifier Property label Range Namespace Association type View customization
crm:E21 Person ( 0 , n ) P23 has gender (is gender of) ( 0 , n ) sdh-so:C11 Gender SDHSS Social, legal and economic life ongoing Selected

Projects using the current profile

Project identifier Last updated
Geovistory 2017-11-20


Person - Gender light ongoing is an ongoing profile.

Root profile: Person - Gender light [Root]

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