Person - Gender light Root

Person - Gender light


This profile describes the classification of individuals based on their gender (the gender itself should be manage by controlled vocabularies) without the notion of temporallity. This means that changes in gender cannot be documented, but multiple genders can be assigned at the same time.

For a more detailed, flexible and fluid description of gender, see the Person - Gender extended microprofile.

See the latest version of the profile in the tab Versions.


Show Description Language
This profile describes the classification of individuals based on their gender (the gender itself should be manage by controlled vocabularies) without the notion of temporallity. This means that changes in gender cannot be documented, but multiple genders can be assigned at the same time. For a more detailed, flexible and fluid description of gender, see the Person - Gender extended microprofile. See the latest version of the profile in the tab Versions. en


Start date: 2024-06-12

Project of belonging: SDHSS - Microprofiles

This profile is a root profile. Find all its versions in the Versions tab.


Label Language Last updated
Person - Gender light * en 2024-06-12

* : Standard label for this language


Person - Gender light is a root profile.

Ongoing version: Person - Gender light ongoing

Other versions

Profile Version Status Publication date