has intentional subject (is intentional subject of) – ZP1
ZP1 has intentional subject (is intentional subject of)
No quantifiers yet.
Superproperty of:
- aaao:ZE2 Appellative Status → aaao:ZP5 has appellative subject (is appellative subject of) → crm:E1 CRM Entity
- aaao:ZE4 Classificatory Status → aaao:ZP11 has classificatory subject (is classificatory subject of) → crm:E1 CRM Entity
- aaao:ZE7 Custodial Status → aaao:ZP20 has custodial subject (is custodial subject of) → crm:E18 Physical Thing
- aaao:ZE8 Ownership Status → aaao:ZP23 has ownership subject (is ownership subject of) → crm:E18 Physical Thing
- aaao:ZE9 Residential Status → aaao:ZP26 has residence subject (is residence subject of) → crm:E39 Actor
- aaao:ZE11 Membership Status → aaao:ZP32 has membership subject (is membership subject of) → crm:E39 Actor
- aaao:ZE12 Referential Status → aaao:ZP35 has referential subject (is referential subject of) → crm:E89 Propositional Object
- aaao:ZE14 Similarity Status → aaao:ZP43 has similarity subject (is similarity subject of) → crm:E1 CRM Entity
- aaao:ZE15 Set Status → aaao:ZP47 has set belonging subject (is set belonging subject of) → crm:E1 CRM Entity
- aaao:ZE25 Dating Status → aaao:ZP55 has dating subject (is dating subject of) → crm:E4 Period
- aaao:ZE30 Property Right Status → aaao:ZP64 has property right subject (is property right subject of) → crm:E72 Legal Object
- aaao:ZE43 Physical Locative Status → aaao:ZP83 has physical locative subject (is physical locative subject of) → crm:E18 Physical Thing
- aaao:ZE44 Topographical Status → aaao:ZP85 has topographical subject (is topographical subject of) → crm:E53 Place
- aaao:ZE45 Promissory Status → aaao:ZP89 has promisory subject (is promisory subject of) → aaao:ZE59 Plan
- aaao:ZE49 Text Sequence Status → aaao:ZP93 has text sequence subject (is text sequence subject ascribed by) → crmtex:TX4 Writing Field
- aaao:ZE50 Authority Status → aaao:ZP96 has authority status subject (is authority status subject of) → crm:E39 Actor
- aaao:ZE55 Social Relation Status → aaao:ZP105 has social relation subject (is social relation subject of) → crm:E39 Actor
- aaao:ZE60 Evental Locative Status → aaao:ZP120 has event location subject (is event location subject of) → crm:E5 Event
Scope note:
This property is used to connect an instance of institutional fact to an entity with which it is concerned. The intentional subject indicated by this property is the object about which the institutional fact holds for the group committed to this institutional reality.
- The Ownership Status of the Gʼpsgolox totem pole (ZE8) has ownership subject (ZP23) the Gʼpsgolox totem pole (E22). (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G%CA%BCpsgolox_totem_pole)
- The Classificatory Status of the "French baguette" (ZE4) has classificatory subject (ZP11) the "French baguette" (E55). (https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-63800674)
In First Order Logic:
- ZP1(x,y) ⇒ ZE1(x)
- ZP1(x,y) ⇒ E1(y)
Scope notes
Additional notes
Identifier: ZP1
Official URI: https://ontology.swissartresearch.net/aaao/ZP1_has_intentional_subject
OntoME URI: https://ontome.net/ontology/p1696
Domain and range
aaao:ZE1 Institutional Fact → ZP1 has intentional subject (is intentional subject of) → crm:E1 CRM Entity
: Standard label for this language
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