has created (was created by) – P94
P94 has created (was created by)
Subproperty of:
Superproperty of:
- crm:E83 Type Creation → crm:P135 created type (was created by) → crm:E55 Type
- crmdig:D7 Digital Machine Event → crmdig:L11 had output (was output of) → crmdig:D1 Digital Object
- crmdig:D30 Annotation Event → crmdig:L48 created annotation (was annotation created by) → crmdig:D29 Annotation Object
- frbroo:F27 Work Conception → frbroo:R16 initiated (was initiated by) → frbroo:F1 Work
- frbroo:F28 Expression Creation → frbroo:R17 created (was created by) → frbroo:F2 Expression
- sdh-int:C1 Expression Publication Event → sdh-int:P2 created manifestation (was created by) → frbroo:F3 Manifestation Product Type
- sdh-so:C16 Participant Description → sdh-so:P25 is participant in (has participant) → crm:E5 Event
Scope note:
This property allows a conceptual E65 Creation to be linked to the E28 Conceptual Object created by it.
It represents the act of conceiving the intellectual content of the E28 Conceptual Object. It does not represent the act of creating the first physical carrier of the E28 Conceptual Object. As an example, this is the composition of a poem, not its commitment to paper.
the composition of “The Four Friends” by A. A. Milne (E65) has created “The Four Friends” by A. A. Milne (E28)
In First Order Logic:
- P94(x,y) ⇒ E65(x)
- P94(x,y) ⇒ E28(y)
- P94(x,y) ⇒ P92(x,y)
Scope notes
Additional notes
Identifier: P94
Official URI: http://www.cidoc-crm.org/cidoc-crm/P94_has_created
OntoME URI: https://ontome.net/ontology/p82
Domain and range
crm:E65 Creation → P94 has created (was created by) → crm:E28 Conceptual Object (Quantifiers 1,1:1,n)
: Standard label for this language
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