has unit (is unit of) – P91

P91 has unit (is unit of)



Scope note:

This property shows the type of unit an E54 Dimension was expressed in.


height of silver cup 232 (E54) has unit mm (E58)

In First Order Logic:

  • P91(x,y) ⇒ E54(x)
  • P91(x,y) ⇒ E58(y)

Scope notes

Show Scope note Language Namespace View details Comments
This property shows the type of unit an E54 Dimension was expressed in. en CIDOC CRM version 5.0.4 0


Show Example Language Namespace View details Comments
height of silver cup 232 (E54) has unit mm (E58) en CIDOC CRM version 5.0.4 0

Additional notes

Show Notes Type Language Namespace View details Comments

Identifier: P91

Official URI: http://www.cidoc-crm.org/cidoc-crm/P91_has_unit
OntoME URI: https://ontome.net/ontology/p79

Domain and range

crm:E54 Dimension → P91 has unit (is unit of) → crm:E58 Measurement Unit  (Quantifiers 0,n:1,1)


Label Language Last updated View details Comments
has unit (is unit of) en 2022-06-13 0
a pour unité (est l'unité de) fr 2024-07-27 0
tem unidade (é unidade de) pt 2024-07-27 0
имеет единицу (является единицей для) ru 2024-07-27 0
έχει μονάδα μέτρησης (αποτελεί μονάδα μέτρησης του/της) el 2024-07-27 0
hat Einheit (ist Einheit von) de 2024-07-27 0

: Standard label for this language


Namespace Last updated
CIDOC CRM version 7.1.3 2022-06-13
CIDOC CRM version 5.0.4 2022-06-13
CIDOC CRM version 6.2 2021-06-10

Parent properties

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Child and descendant properties

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Related properties

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Profiles using this property

Label Version Status Last updated
HisArc-RDF 2 Published 2024-03-13
Collecte ongoing 1 Ongoing 2024-05-23
Telecommunication Network ongoing 1 Ongoing 2023-11-20
Epistemic Situation Description ongoing 1 Ongoing 2023-11-05
Planned voyages ongoing 1 Ongoing 2023-11-05
Constructions - Production, modification and transformation ongoing 2 Ongoing 2023-10-25
Structures - Production, modification and transformation 1 Deprecated 2023-10-11
Artefacts – Characteristics 1 Ongoing 2023-10-25
HisArc-RDF 1 Published 2024-03-13
Silknow working profile 1 Ongoing 2023-10-25
Propositional Object - Comprehensive ongoing 1 Ongoing 2024-07-22
Requests and Decisions ongoing 1 Ongoing 2024-04-23
