Group - Type ongoing
Group - Type ongoing
This profile describes the type of a group that is identity defining, which means that it is unique and applicable to the whole life of a group. It does not decribe the classification of a group, that can be evolving or context specific.
The profile Group - Classification decribes those classifications that are not necessarily identity defining and that can be simultaneous, contradictory, contextualized, and time bounded.
What can be described in this profile
- The type of group, documented with a controlled vocabulary
- The ancient roman senate can be typed as a political institution, using the wikidata vocabulary term:
- The group Mission Romande, a a Swiss missionary movement in southern Africa, can be documented with the Type "Religious Group"
Project of belonging: SDHSS - Microprofiles
This profile is ongoing
Version: 1
* : Standard label for this language
Associated classes JSON API
Associated properties JSON API
Projects using the current profile
Group - Type ongoing is an ongoing profile.
Root profile: Group - Type [Root]
Other versions
Namespaces used by this profile
- CIDOC CRM version 6.2
- FRBRoo version 2.4
- SDHSS CIDOC CRM supplement – ongoing
- CRMdig version 3.2.1
- SDHSS Semantic Data for Humanities and Social Sciences CIDOC CRM Extension ongoing
- SDHSS - Propositions, Texts, Intellectual Life ongoing
- SDHSS Social, legal and economic life ongoing
- SDHSS Higher education and academies ongoing
- CRMsci version 1.2.3