Person - Social location ongoing

Person - Social location ongoing


This profile describes the location of individuals in a given place for a given time in a given social context as being essentially true even if some absences are possible. This means that the provided location is generally observable if at some point in time the individual is to be found in another location.

The capture an official domicile adress of a person or group is documented in the Actor - Legal location profile.

What can be described in this profile

  • The epistemic or social location of a person during a given time.
  • Types of epistemic or social location of a person.


  • Galileo Galilei beeing in Rome in February 1616 (although he may have left the city to visit the surrounding area during this period).
  • The location type of "Adriaen Coorte is known to have been a resident of Maddlebourg in the late 17th century" is "Main residence".






Show Description Language
This profile describes the location of individuals in a given place for a given time in a given social context as being essentially true even if some absences are possible. This means that the provided location is generally observable if at some point in time the individual is to be found in another location. The capture an official domicile adress of a person or group is documented in the Actor - Legal location profile. What can be described in this profile The epistemic or social location of a person during a given time. Types of epistemic or social location of a person. Examples Galileo Galilei beeing in Rome in February 1616 (although he may have left the city to visit the surrounding area during this period). The location type of "Adriaen Coorte is known to have been a resident of Maddlebourg in the late 17th century" is "Main residence". en


Project of belonging: SDHSS - Microprofiles

 This profile is ongoing

Version: 1


Label Language Last updated
Person - Social location ongoing * en 2024-07-12

* : Standard label for this language

Associated classes JSON API

Identifier Class label Namespace Association type View customization
E21 Person CIDOC CRM version 6.2 Inferred
C16 Epistemic Location Type SDHSS Semantic Data for Humanities and Social Sciences CIDOC CRM Extension ongoing Inferred
C15 Epistemic Location of a Physical Thing SDHSS Semantic Data for Humanities and Social Sciences CIDOC CRM Extension ongoing Selected
C13 Geographical Place SDHSS Semantic Data for Humanities and Social Sciences CIDOC CRM Extension ongoing Inferred

Associated properties JSON API

Domain Identifier Property label Range Namespace Association type View customization
sdh:C15 Epistemic Location of a Physical Thing ( 0 , n ) P19 has location type (is location type of) ( 0 , 1 ) sdh:C16 Epistemic Location Type SDHSS Semantic Data for Humanities and Social Sciences CIDOC CRM Extension ongoing Selected
sdh:C15 Epistemic Location of a Physical Thing ( 0 , n ) P17 is location of (has location) ( 1 , 1 ) crm:E21 Person SDHSS Semantic Data for Humanities and Social Sciences CIDOC CRM Extension ongoing Selected
sdh:C15 Epistemic Location of a Physical Thing ( 0 , n ) P15 is location at (is location of) ( 0 , 1 ) sdh:C13 Geographical Place SDHSS Semantic Data for Humanities and Social Sciences CIDOC CRM Extension ongoing Selected

Projects using the current profile

Project identifier Last updated
Geovistory 2017-11-20


Person - Social location ongoing is an ongoing profile.

Root profile: Person - Social location [Root]

Other versions

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