was death of (died in) – P100

P100 was death of (died in)



Scope note:

This property links an E69 Death event to the E21 Person that died.

A Death event may involve multiple people, for example in the case of a battle or disaster.

This is not intended for use with general Natural History material, only people.


Mozart’s death (E69) was death of Mozart (E21)

In First Order Logic:

  • P100(x,y) ⇒ E69(x)
  • P100(x,y) ⇒ E21(y)
  • P100(x,y) ⇒ P93(x,y)

Scope notes

Show Scope note Language Namespace View details Comments
This property links an E69 Death event to the E21 Person that died.A Death event may involve multiple people, for example in the case of a battle or disaster.This is not intended for use with general Natural History material, only people. en CIDOC CRM version 5.0.4 0


Show Example Language Namespace View details Comments
Mozart’s death (E69) was death of Mozart (E21) en CIDOC CRM version 5.0.4 0

Additional notes

Show Notes Type Language Namespace View details Comments

Identifier: P100

Official URI: http://www.cidoc-crm.org/cidoc-crm/P100_was_death_of
OntoME URI: https://ontome.net/ontology/p88

Domain and range

crm:E69 Death → P100 was death of (died in) → crm:E21 Person  (Quantifiers 0,n:1,n)


Label Language Last updated View details Comments
was death of (died in) en 2022-06-13 0
a été la mort de fr 2024-07-27 0
был смертью для ru 2024-07-27 0
foi a morte para pt 2024-07-27 0
ήταν θάνατος του/της el 2024-07-27 0
Tod von de 2024-07-27 0

: Standard label for this language


Namespace Last updated
CIDOC CRM version 7.1.3 2022-06-13
CIDOC CRM version 5.0.4 2022-06-13
CIDOC CRM version 6.2 2021-06-10

Parent properties

Domain Property Range Property namespace Relation defined in Justification View details Edit Delete Comments
crm:E64 End of Existence (0,1) P93 took out of existence (was taken out of existence by) (1,n) crm:E77 Persistent Item CIDOC CRM version 5.0.4 CIDOC CRM version 5.0.4 0

Ancestor properties

Domain Property Range Depth Property namespace
crm:E5 Event (0,n) P12 occurred in the presence of (was present at) (1,n) crm:E77 Persistent Item 2 CIDOC CRM version 5.0.4

Child and descendant properties

Domain Property Range Depth Property namespace

Related properties

Relation Property Property namespace Relation defined in Justification View details Edit Delete Comments

Profiles using this property

Label Version Status Last updated
READ-IT 1 Ongoing 2023-10-25
Geovistory Generic Historical Information Profile 1 Ongoing 2023-10-25
Silknow working profile 1 Ongoing 2023-10-25
Biographical basics and family 1 Ongoing 2023-10-25
