Validation status:  Validated

ZP40 performed (was performed by)


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Scope note:

This property is used to indicate the performance plan sanctioned by normative rule appealed to by a symbolic act in order to bring out the specific intended communicative affect. At a general level, the performance plan is what is appealed to in order to carry out the symbolic act in the first place. For example, an act of defiance may call on a specific sequence of gestures to be instantiated.

The case of speech act (ZE13) is a special case of symbolic act where the performance plan indicates the series of necessary procedures that must be followed in order for the speech act to have been successfully carried out and to have created a genuine instance of the institutional fact that it was designed to make possible.


In First Order Logic:

  • ZP40(x,y) ⇒ ZE53(x)
  • ZP40(x,y) ⇒ E29(y)
  • ZP40(x,y) ⇒ P33(x,y)
  • ZP40(x,y) ⇒ P33(x,y)

Scope notes

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This property is used to indicate the performance plan sanctioned by normative rule appealed to by a symbolic act in order to bring out the specific intended communicative affect. At a general level, the performance plan is what is appealed to in order to carry out the symbolic act in the first place. For example, an act of defiance may call on a specific sequence of gestures to be instantiated. The case of speech act (ZE13) is a special case of symbolic act where the performance plan indicates the series of necessary procedures that must be followed in order for the speech act to have been successfully carried out and to have created a genuine instance of the institutional fact that it was designed to make possible. en Art and Architectural Argumentation Ontology Version 1.6 ongoing 0 Validated
This property is used to indicate the performance plan sanctioned by normative rule appealed to by a symbolic act in order to bring out the specific intended communicative affect. At a general level, the performance plan is what is appealed to in order to carry out the symbolic act in the first place. For example, an act of defiance may call on a specific sequence of gestures to be instantiated. The case of speech act (ZE13) is a special case of symbolic act where the performance plan indicates the series of necessary procedures that must be followed in order for the speech act to have been successfully carried out and to have created a genuine instance of the institutional fact that it was designed to make possible. en Art and Architectural Argumentation Ontology Version 1.6 0 Validated


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Michael Leshner (E21) and Michael Stark (E21) performed the marriage ceremony (E29) in their 2003 wedding in Toronto, Ontario. ( Father Andres Arango's baptisms (ZE13) performed the Catholic Right of Baptism (E29) ( en Art and Architectural Argumentation Ontology Version 1.6 ongoing 0 Validation request

Additional notes

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Identifier: ZP40

Official URI:

Domain and range

aaao:ZE53 Symbolic Act → ZP40 performed (was performed by) → crm:E29 Design or Procedure


Label Language Last updated View details Comments Validation
performed (was performed by) en 2024-11-26 0 Validated
performed (was performed by) en 2024-10-18 0 Validated

: Standard label for this language

Parent properties

Domain Property Range Property namespace Relation defined in Justification View details Edit Delete Comments Validation
crm:E7 Activity (0,n) P33 used specific technique (was used by) (0,n) crm:E29 Design or Procedure CIDOC CRM version 7.1.3 Art and Architectural Argumentation Ontology Version 1.6 ongoing 0 Validated
crm:E7 Activity (0,n) P33 used specific technique (was used by) (0,n) crm:E29 Design or Procedure CIDOC CRM version 7.1.3 Art and Architectural Argumentation Ontology Version 1.6 0 Validated

Ancestor properties

Domain Property Range Depth Property namespace
crm:E5 Event (0,n) P12 occurred in the presence of (was present at) (1,n) crm:E77 Persistent Item 3 CIDOC CRM version 7.1.3
crm:E7 Activity (0,n) P15 was influenced by (influenced) (0,n) crm:E1 CRM Entity 3 CIDOC CRM version 7.1.3
crm:E7 Activity (0,n) P16 used specific object (was used for) (0,n) crm:E70 Thing 2 CIDOC CRM version 7.1.3

Child and descendant properties

Domain Property Range Depth Property namespace

Related properties

Relation Property Property namespace Relation defined in Justification View details Edit Delete Comments Validation

Profiles using this property

Label Version Status Last updated
