ends before or with the start of (starts after or with the end of) – P182

P182 ends before or with the start of (starts after or with the end of)



Scope note:

This property specifies that the temporal extent of the domain instance A of E2 Temporal Entity ends before or simultaneously with the start of the temporal extent of the range instance B of E2 Temporal Entity.

In other words, if A = [Astart, Aend] and B = [Bstart, Bend], we mean Aend ≤ Bstart is true.

This property is part of the set of temporal primitives P173 – P176, P182 – P185.

This property corresponds to a disjunction (logical OR) of the following Allen temporal relations (Allen, 1983): {before, meets}.

This property is transitive. This property is asymmetric.

Figure 16: Temporal entity A ends before or with the start of temporal entity B. Here A is longer than B

Figure 17: Temporal entity A ends before or with the start of temporal entity B. Here A is shorter than B


Lerna III (E4) ends before or with the start of Lerna IV (E4). [“The site at Lerna probably was not left uninhabited for long after the destruction of the House of the Tiles and the raising of the tumulus. If there was a gap corresponding to the earliest stage of EH III in the Argolid, as has been suggested by some (see, e.g., Manning 1995: 55–60), it was a brief one. In Rutter’s view, the short life of the Fourth Settlement began ca. 2200/2150 b.c. and ended ca. 2050/2000 b.c.”] (Banks & Reese, 2013)

The use of LH I graves of Krisa in Phocis (E4) ends before or with the start of LH III phase of reuse of the graves of Krisa in Phocis (E4). [“…a possible hiatus in the occupation of certain sites such as the settlement of Krisa in Phocis, which was well occupied in the MH and LHIII periods. LHIIB pottery from this settlement has already been identified, but no certain example of LHIIA pottery.”] (Phialon 2018)

In First Order Logic:

  • P182(x,y) ⇒ E2(x)
  • P182(x,y) ⇒ E2(y)
  • P182(x,y) ⇒ P176(x,y)
  • P182(x,y) ⇒ P185(x,y)

Scope notes

Show Scope note Language Namespace View details Comments
This property specifies that the temporal extent of the domain instance A of E2 Temporal Entity ends before or simultaneously with the start of the temporal extent of the range instance B of E2 Temporal Entity. In other words, if A = [Astart, Aend] and B = [Bstart, Bend], we mean Aend ≤ Bstart is true.This property is part of the set of temporal primitives P173 – P176, P182 – P185.This property corresponds to a disjunction (logical OR) of the following Allen temporal relations (Allen, 1983): {before, meets}.This property is transitive. This property is asymmetric. Figure 16: Temporal entity A ends before or with the start of temporal entity B. Here A is longer than B Figure 17: Temporal entity A ends before or with the start of temporal entity B. Here A is shorter than B en CIDOC CRM version 7.1.3 0
Cette propriété spécifie que l'étendue temporelle de l'instance du domaine (A) de E2_Entité_temporelle se termine avant ou simultanément avec le début de l'étendue temporelle de l'instance de la portée (B) de E2_Entité_temporelle.En d'autres termes, si A = [Adébut, Afin] et B = [Bdébut, Bfin], alors Afin ≤ Bdébut est vrai.Cette propriété fait partie de l'ensemble des propriétés temporelles P173 à P176 et P182 à P185.Cette propriété correspond à une disjonction (OU logique) des relations définies par l'algèbre des intervalles d'Allen suivantes (Allen, 1983) : {avant, rencontre}Cette propriété est transitive et asymétrique. Figure 16 : L'entité temporelle A termine avant ou au moment du début de l'entité temporelle B. Ici, A est plus long que B.Figure 17 : L'entité temporelle A termine avant ou au moment du début de l'entité temporelle B. Ici, A est plus court que B. fr CIDOC CRM version 7.1.3 0


Show Example Language Namespace View details Comments
Lerna III (E4) ends before or with the start of Lerna IV (E4). [“The site at Lerna probably was not left uninhabited for long after the destruction of the House of the Tiles and the raising of the tumulus. If there was a gap corresponding to the earliest stage of EH III in the Argolid, as has been suggested by some (see, e.g., Manning 1995: 55–60), it was a brief one. In Rutter’s view, the short life of the Fourth Settlement began ca. 2200/2150 b.c. and ended ca. 2050/2000 b.c.”] (Banks & Reese, 2013) en CIDOC CRM version 7.1.3 0
The use of LH I graves of Krisa in Phocis (E4) ends before or with the start of LH III phase of reuse of the graves of Krisa in Phocis (E4). [“…a possible hiatus in the occupation of certain sites such as the settlement of Krisa in Phocis, which was well occupied in the MH and LHIII periods. LHIIB pottery from this settlement has already been identified, but no certain example of LHIIA pottery.”] (Phialon 2018) en CIDOC CRM version 7.1.3 0
Lerne III (E4_Période) se termine avant ou au moment du début de (P182_se_termine_avant_ou_au_moment_du_début_de) Lerne IV (E4_Période). [« Le site de Lerne n'est probablement pas resté inhabité longtemps après la destruction de la Maison des Tuiles et la construction du tumulus. S'il y a eu un décalage correspondant à la première période de l'Helladique ancien III en Argolide, comme certains le suggèrent (voir, p. ex. Manning 1995, 55-60), celui-ci fut bref. Selon Rutter, la quatrième occupation a commencé autour de 2200 à 2150 AEC et s'est terminée autour de 2050 à 2000 AEC »] (Banks & Reese, 2013) fr CIDOC CRM version 7.1.3 0
L'usage des tombeaux datant de la première période helladique ancienne (HA I) de Crissa en Phocide (E4_Période) se termine avant ou au moment du début de (P182_se_termine_avant_ou_au_moment_du_début_de) la troisième période helladique ancienne (HA III) de réutilisation des tombeaux de Crissa en Phocide (E4_Période). [Il y a eu un « possible hiatus dans l'occupation de certains sites comme celui de Crissa, en Phocide, qui était bien occupé durant la troisième période helladique ancienne (HA III) et durant la période helladique moyenne (HM). Des éléments de poterie associés à cette occupation durant la période HA II-B ont été identifiés, mais aucun exemple certain de poterie de la période HA II-A »] (Phialon 2018) fr CIDOC CRM version 7.1.3 0

Additional notes

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Identifier: P182

Official URI: http://www.cidoc-crm.org/cidoc-crm/P182_ends_before_or_with_the_start_of
OntoME URI: https://ontome.net/ontology/p1908

Domain and range

crm:E2 Temporal Entity → P182 ends before or with the start of (starts after or with the end of) → crm:E2 Temporal Entity  (Quantifiers 0,n:0,n)


Label Language Last updated View details Comments
ends before or with the start of (starts after or with the end of) * en 2022-06-13 0
se termine avant ou au moment du début de (commence après ou au moment de la fin de) * fr 2024-03-21 0

: Standard label for this language


Namespace Last updated
CIDOC CRM version 7.1.3 2022-06-13

Parent properties

Domain Property Range Property namespace Relation defined in Justification View details Edit Delete Comments
crm:E2 Temporal Entity (0,n) P176 starts before the start of (starts after the start of) (0,n) crm:E2 Temporal Entity CIDOC CRM version 7.1.3 CIDOC CRM version 7.1.3 0
crm:E2 Temporal Entity (0,n) P185 ends before the end of (ends after the end of) (0,n) crm:E2 Temporal Entity CIDOC CRM version 7.1.3 CIDOC CRM version 7.1.3 0

Ancestor properties

Domain Property Range Depth Property namespace
crm:E2 Temporal Entity (0,n) P173 starts before or with the end of (ends after or with the start of) (0,n) crm:E2 Temporal Entity 4 CIDOC CRM version 7.1.3
crm:E2 Temporal Entity (0,n) P173 starts before or with the end of (ends after or with the start of) (0,n) crm:E2 Temporal Entity 4 CIDOC CRM version 7.1.3
crm:E2 Temporal Entity (0,n) P174 starts before the end of (ends after the start of) (0,n) crm:E2 Temporal Entity 3 CIDOC CRM version 7.1.3
crm:E2 Temporal Entity (0,n) P174 starts before the end of (ends after the start of) (0,n) crm:E2 Temporal Entity 3 CIDOC CRM version 7.1.3
crm:E2 Temporal Entity (0,n) P175 starts before or with the start of (starts after or with the start of) (0,n) crm:E2 Temporal Entity 2 CIDOC CRM version 7.1.3
crm:E2 Temporal Entity (0,n) P184 ends before or with the end of (ends with or after the end of) (0,n) crm:E2 Temporal Entity 2 CIDOC CRM version 7.1.3

Child and descendant properties

Domain Property Range Depth Property namespace
crm:E2 Temporal Entity (0,n) P183 ends before the start of (starts after the end of) (0,n) crm:E2 Temporal Entity 1 CIDOC CRM version 7.1.3

Related properties

Relation Property Property namespace Relation defined in Justification View details Edit Delete Comments

Profiles using this property

Label Version Status Last updated
