Validation status:  Validated

CP4 projects (was projected by)


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Scope note:

This property describes the relation between a CC5 Formulation and a projected event it plans for. Instances of CC5 Formulation may contain detailed, analytic information regarding how the plan formulates an intended event, or set of events, to occur, documenting also how and under what conditions a specific event can be said to have taken place and achieved according to a set of agreed terms. By instantiating this property, an activity plan can be connected to the analytic information it details for the projected manner of execution of the event that it foresees.


  • The specific informational content of Studio Libeskind’s World Trade Center Master Plan (CC1) projects the eventual outcome (CC12), namely, that a building be erected at a given a site, within a given budget, and so forth. (
  • The specific informational content of the 6 August 1880 agreement between Rodin and the French Directorate of Fine Arts (CC6) projects the eventual outcome (CC12), namely, that a functional portal be constructed within a given timeframe and budget, and so forth. (

In First Order Logic:

  • CP4(x,y) ⇒ ZE59(x)
  • CP4(x,y) ⇒ CC12(y)
  • CP4(x,y) ⇒ P50(x,y)

Scope notes

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This property describes the relation between a CC5 Formulation and a projected event it plans for. Instances of CC5 Formulation may contain detailed, analytic information regarding how the plan formulates an intended event, or set of events, to occur, documenting also how and under what conditions a specific event can be said to have taken place and achieved according to a set of agreed terms. By instantiating this property, an activity plan can be connected to the analytic information it details for the projected manner of execution of the event that it foresees. en Creative Processes Representation Ontology Version 2.0 ongoing 0 Validated


Show Example Language Namespace View details Comments Validation
The specific informational content of Studio Libeskind’s World Trade Center Master Plan (CC1) projects the eventual outcome (CC12), namely, that a building be erected at a given a site, within a given budget, and so forth. ( The specific informational content of the 6 August 1880 agreement between Rodin and the French Directorate of Fine Arts (CC6) projects the eventual outcome (CC12), namely, that a functional portal be constructed within a given timeframe and budget, and so forth. ( en Creative Processes Representation Ontology Version 2.0 ongoing 0 Validation request

Additional notes

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Identifier: CP4

Official URI:

Domain and range

aaao:ZE59 Plan → CP4 projects (was projected by) → cpro:CC12 Event Trigger Template


Label Language Last updated View details Comments Validation
projects (was projected by) * en 2024-10-19 0 Validated

: Standard label for this language

Parent properties

Domain Property Range Property namespace Relation defined in Justification View details Edit Delete Comments Validation
crm:E18 Physical Thing (0,n) P50 has current keeper (is current keeper of) (0,n) crm:E39 Actor CIDOC CRM version 7.1.3 Creative Processes Representation Ontology Version 2.0 ongoing 0 Denied (see comment)

Ancestor properties

Domain Property Range Depth Property namespace
crm:E18 Physical Thing (0,n) P49 has former or current keeper (is former or current keeper of) (0,n) crm:E39 Actor 2 CIDOC CRM version 7.1.3

Child and descendant properties

Domain Property Range Depth Property namespace

Related properties

Relation Property Property namespace Relation defined in Justification View details Edit Delete Comments Validation

Profiles using this property

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