SDHSS Propositions, Texts, Intellectual Life

SDHSS Propositions, Texts, Intellectual Life


Classes and properties in this namespace model general aspects of literary and intellectual life, like writing, publishing, corresponding, etc. It extends and makes more explicit in the perspective of data production and information interoperability in a specific domain CIDOC CRM and FRBRoo classes and properties.


Show Description Language
Classes and properties in this namespace model general aspects of literary and intellectual life, like writing, publishing, corresponding, etc. It extends and makes more explicit in the perspective of data production and information interoperability in a specific domain CIDOC CRM and FRBRoo classes and properties. en



Label Language Last updated
SDHSS Propositions, Texts, Intellectual Life * en 2024-07-22

* : Standard label for this language

Root namespace

This project manages the SDHSS Propositions, Texts, Intellectual Life namespace.

Ongoing namespace: SDHSS - Propositions, Texts, Intellectual Life ongoing

Published versions

Namespace Publication date

Profiles owned by this project

Profile Creation date
Linguistic Objects - Basic and Creation 2024-03-27
Description of Sources 2021-08-11
Representation of entities 2022-06-23
Writing of a portion of a longer text (daily diary, account book, etc.) 2020-12-21
Intellectual and literary life 2020-05-28

Profiles used by this project

Profile Version Status Creation date API
Intellectual and literary life 1 Ongoing 2020-05-28 JSON Classes   JSON Properties

Thesaurus list

There is currently no controlled vocabulary linked to this project.

Members of the project

Name Institution Role
Vincent Alamercery École normale supérieure de Lyon Administrator
Francesco Beretta CNRS Administrator
Francois Vignale Le Mans Université Manager
Alexandre Perraud CNRS Administrator
Stephen Hart Université de Bern Administrator