Representation of entities Root

Representation of entities


This profile inlcudes classes and properties that model the representation of objects by photos, videos, etc. Reproductions or representations can be in material or digital form. The entities reproduced can be objects or events.


Show Description Language
This profile inlcudes classes and properties that model the representation of objects by photos, videos, etc. Reproductions or representations can be in material or digital form. The entities reproduced can be objects or events. en


Project of belonging: SDHSS Propositions, Texts, Intellectual Life

This profile is a root profile. Find all its versions in the Versions tab.


Label Language Last updated
Representation of entities * en 2022-06-23
Digital reproduction of entities en 2022-06-23

* : Standard label for this language


Representation of entities is a root profile.

Ongoing version: Representation of entities ongoing

Other versions

Profile Version Status Publication date