Power, War, Religion and Relations Ontology

Power, War, Religion and Relations Ontology


Extending the Art and Archictectural Ontology (CRMaaa), this project builds a set of classes and relations that enable the modelling of historical information pertaining to the exercise of power, the practice of religion, and the maintenance of social relations through communcative acts.


Show Description Language
Extending the Art and Archictectural Ontology (CRMaaa), this project builds a set of classes and relations that enable the modelling of historical information pertaining to the exercise of power, the practice of religion, and the maintenance of social relations through communcative acts. en


Start date: 2024-07-13


Label Language Last updated
Power, War, Religion and Relations Ontology * en 2024-07-13

* : Standard label for this language


Power, War, Religion and Relations Ontology is a master project and has no subproject.

Root namespace

This project manages the Power, War, Religion and Relations Ontology namespace.

Ongoing namespace: Power, War, Religion and Relations Ontology ongoing

Published versions

Namespace Publication date

Profiles owned by this project

Profile Last updated

Profiles used by this project

Profile Version Status Last updated API

Thesaurus list

There is currently no controlled vocabulary linked to this project.

Members of the project

Name Institution Role
George Bruseker Takin.solutions Administrator
Tara Andrews University of Vienna Member
matthew fielding takin.solutions Manager
Rocío Jiménez Takin solutions Manager
Denitsa Nenova Takin.solutions Manager
Lukas Plank ACDH Member