SDHSS Archeological excavation and finds ongoing

SDHSS Archeological excavation and finds ongoing


This namespace provides classes and properties extending CRMArchaeo




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Show Description Language Validation
This namespace provides classes and properties extending CRMArchaeo en Candidate


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Base URI:

Project of belonging: SDHSS Archeological excavation and finds

This namespace is ongoing and can be modified at any time. It is not advisable to use its classes and properties.

Namespaces to which this ongoing namespace refers

CRMarchaeo version 1.4.1
CRMba version 1.4
CIDOC CRM version 6.2
CRMsci version 1.2.3


Label Language Last updated Validation
SDHSS Archeological excavation and finds ongoing * en 2022-09-28 Candidate

* : Standard label for this language


SDHSS Archeological excavation and finds ongoing is an ongoing namespace.

Root namespace: SDHSS Archeological excavation and finds

Published versions

Namespace Publication date


Identifier Class Last updated Validation status
C2 Excavation Process Unit Type 2023-11-28 Candidate
C1 Archaeological Excavation Type 2023-11-28 Candidate


Domain Domain namespace Identifier Property Range Range namespace Last updated Validation status
Stratigraphic Unit – A8 CRMarchaeo version 1.4.1 (0,n) P5 abuts (is abutted by) (0,n) Stratigraphic Unit – A8 CRMarchaeo version 1.4.1 2021-06-28 Candidate
Stratigraphic Unit – A8 CRMarchaeo version 1.4.1 (0,n) P4 cuts (is cut by) (0,n) Stratigraphic Unit – A8 CRMarchaeo version 1.4.1 2021-06-25 Validated
Stratigraphic Unit – A8 CRMarchaeo version 1.4.1 (0,n) P3 overlies (is overlied by) (0,n) Stratigraphic Unit – A8 CRMarchaeo version 1.4.1 2021-06-10 Candidate
Excavation Process Unit – A1 CRMarchaeo version 1.4.1 (0,n) P2 has excavation process unit type (is type of excavation process unit) (0,1) Excavation Process Unit Type – C2 SDHSS Archeological excavation and finds ongoing 2021-06-10 Candidate
Archaeological Excavation – A9 CRMarchaeo version 1.4.1 (0,n) P1 has archeological excavation type (is type of archeological excavation) (1,1) Archaeological Excavation Type – C1 SDHSS Archeological excavation and finds ongoing 2021-06-10 Candidate


Filter by

Source Source namespace Relation Target Target namespace Last updated Type
Archaeological Excavation Type – C1 SDHSS Archeological excavation and finds ongoing rdfs:subClassOf Type – E55 CIDOC CRM version 6.2 2021-06-10 ClassesRelation-HierarchyAssociation
Excavation Process Unit Type – C2 SDHSS Archeological excavation and finds ongoing rdfs:subClassOf Type – E55 CIDOC CRM version 6.2 2021-06-10 ClassesRelation-HierarchyAssociation
Built Work – B1 CRMba version 1.4 rdfs:subClassOf Stratigraphic Volume Unit – A2 CRMarchaeo version 1.4.1 2021-06-10 ClassesRelation-HierarchyAssociation
has archeological excavation type (is type of archeological excavation) – P1 SDHSS Archeological excavation and finds ongoing rdfs:subPropertyOf has type (is type of) – P2 CIDOC CRM version 6.2 2021-06-10 PropertiesRelation-HierarchyAssociation
has excavation process unit type (is type of excavation process unit) – P2 SDHSS Archeological excavation and finds ongoing rdfs:subPropertyOf has type (is type of) – P2 CIDOC CRM version 6.2 2021-06-10 PropertiesRelation-HierarchyAssociation
overlies (is overlied by) – P3 SDHSS Archeological excavation and finds ongoing rdfs:subPropertyOf has physical relation (is physical relation of) – AP11 CRMarchaeo version 1.4.1 2021-06-10 PropertiesRelation-HierarchyAssociation
cuts (is cut by) – P4 SDHSS Archeological excavation and finds ongoing rdfs:subPropertyOf has physical relation (is physical relation of) – AP11 CRMarchaeo version 1.4.1 2021-06-25 PropertiesRelation-HierarchyAssociation


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