Validation status:  Validated

ZP115 holds over (is held over by)


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Scope note:

This property associates and instance of institutional fact to an instance of population over which this fact holds. As opposed to the property of ZP4 holding for, the effect which this institutional fact holds in relation to the related population is not necessarily one which has been directly intended. The population undergoes the social fact instantiated, rather than causing it to occur directly through agency in a speech act or transformative act. The population is the patient of this operation, not its agent.


  • The Social Status of 'Enslaved Person' (ZE6) holds over Tayegaza (E21)
  • The Promissory Status to recognize the Black Hills as part of the Great Sioux Reservation (ZE45) holds over the American people (ZE39)

In First Order Logic:

  • ZP115(x,y) ⇒ ZE1(x)
  • ZP115(x,y) ⇒ ZE37(y)

Scope notes


Additional notes

Identifier: ZP115

Official URI:

Domain and range

aaao:ZE1 Institutional Fact → ZP115 holds over (is held over by) → aaao:ZE37 Population


: Standard label for this language

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