has quantifiable quality type (is quantifiable quality type of) – P92
This property does not yet have the minimum number of validated parts required for publication.
P92 has quantifiable quality type (is quantifiable quality type of)
Scope note:
This property allows typing of instances of C59 Quantifiable Quality of an Epistemic Situation through the use of a terminological hierarchy, or thesaurus.
No example yet.
In First Order Logic:
- P92(x,y) ⇒ C59(x)
- P92(x,y) ⇒ C74(y)
Scope notes
Additional notes
Identifier: P92
Official URI: https://sdhss.org/ontology/core/P92
OntoME URI: https://ontome.net/ontology/p2983
Domain and range
sdh:C59 Quantifiable Quality of an Epistemic Situation → P92 has quantifiable quality type (is quantifiable quality type of) → sdh:C74 Type of Quantifiable Quality of an Epistemic Situation (Quantifiers 0,n:0,1)
: Standard label for this language
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