has conceived (conceived by) – P1

Validation status:  Validated

P1 has conceived (conceived by)



Scope note:

Shortcut to directly link a E65 Creation to the E77 Persitent Item that has been produced or modified with the created plan or procedure.

Full developed path is [E65 Creation] -(P94 has created)- [E29 Design or Precedure] -(P33 used specific technique)- [E11 Modification] -(P31 has modified)- [E77 Persistent Item].

It is revelant to use this shortcut property when the design or procedure are not known, not documented or out of scope.
If the E11 Modification (or Production) of the E77 Persistent Item is documented, then this shortcut property should be used side by side with the P31 has modified (or has produced) and the shortcut crms:has ruled


Schema for crms:conceived a cidoc crm shortcut


Conception des chaises Pollocks (E63)   - has conceived  -  chaise Pollock (E77)

In First Order Logic:

  • P1(x,y) ⇒ E65(x)
  • P1(x,y) ⇒ E77(y)

Scope notes


Additional notes

Identifier: P1

Official URI: https://ontome.net/ns/crmshortcuts/P1
OntoME URI: https://ontome.net/ontology/p2372

Domain and range

crm:E65 Creation → P1 has conceived (conceived by) → crm:E77 Persistent Item  (Quantifiers 0,n:0,n)


: Standard label for this language


Parent properties

Ancestor properties

Child and descendant properties

Related properties

Profiles using this property
