has nomen language (is language of nomen in) – R54

R54 has nomen language (is language of nomen in)



Scope note:

This property associates an instance of F35 Nomen Use Statement with an instance of E56 Language which is a target language for the associated nomen use.


001  FRBNF119304566’…‘100  $w.0..b.spa.$aColón$mCristóbal$d1450?-1506’ (F35) R54 has nomen language the language referred to in subfield $w by the ISO code ‘spa,’ i.e., Spanish (E56)

001  FRBNF119304566’…‘400  $w....b.eng.$aColumbus$mChristopher$d1450?-1506’ (F35) R54 has nomen language the language referred to in subfield $w by the ISO code ‘eng,’ i.e., English (E56)

001  FRBNF118726828’…‘110  $w20..b.fre.$aConseil international des musées’ (F35) R54 has nomen language the language referred to in subfield $w by the ISO code ‘fre,’ i.e., French (E56)

001  FRBNF118726828’…‘110  $w20..b.ger.$aInternationaler Museumsrat’ (F35) R54 has nomen language the language referred to in subfield $w by the ISO code ‘ger,’ i.e., German (E56)

ID: 300024668’…‘navaja (C,U,Spanish,UF,U,SN)’ R54 has nomen language Spanish (E56) (“used for” term, Getty Art & Architecture Thesaurus Online, retrieved 19/11/2012)

In First Order Logic:

  • R54(x,y) ⇒ F35(x)
  • R54(x,y) ⇒ E56(y)
  • R54(x,y) ⇒ P67(x,y)

Scope notes


Additional notes

Identifier: R54

Official URI: http://iflastandards.info/ns/fr/frbr/frbroo/R54
OntoME URI: https://ontome.net/ontology/p1027

Domain and range

frbroo:F35 Nomen Use Statement → R54 has nomen language (is language of nomen in) → crm:E56 Language  (Quantifiers 0,n:0,n)


: Standard label for this language


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