Creative Processes Representation: Ontology Engineering Project
Creative Processes Representation: Ontology Engineering Project
Creative Processes Representation Conceptual Reference Model is an ontological model harmonizing to the CIDOC CRM family of models that aims to facilitate the representation and integration of information related to creative processes and the materialization of ideas into reality. It has a particular focus on creative processes.
The presently proposed model and its related classes and properties have been modelled to cover architectural practice, artistic production, and design activities considered broadly.
Start date: 2019-07-02
* : Standard label for this language
Creative Processes Representation: Ontology Engineering Project is a master project and has no subproject.
Root namespace
This project manages the Creative Processes Representation Ontology namespace.
Ongoing namespace: Creative Processes Representation Ontology Version 1.6 ongoingPublished versions
Thesaurus list
There is currently no controlled vocabulary linked to this project.