SDHSS Shortcuts and additional properties

SDHSS Shortcuts and additional properties


The ontology of this project introduces shortcuts and additional properties that extend the SDHSS ontology ecosystem by complementing the existing namespaces. The SDHSS ontology ecosystem is temporal-entity-centric: These shortcuts and additional properties of the present extension complement this approach by providing simplification and streamlined access for specific use cases.


Show Description Language
The ontology of this project introduces shortcuts and additional properties that extend the SDHSS ontology ecosystem by complementing the existing namespaces. The SDHSS ontology ecosystem is temporal-entity-centric: These shortcuts and additional properties of the present extension complement this approach by providing simplification and streamlined access for specific use cases. en


Start date: 2025-01-07


Label Language Last updated
SDHSS Shortcuts and additional properties * en 2025-01-07

* : Standard label for this language

Root namespace

This project manages the SDHSS Shortcuts and Additional Properties namespace.

Ongoing namespace: SDHSS Shortcuts and Additional Properties ongoing

Published versions

Namespace Publication date

Profiles owned by this project

Profile Last updated

Profiles used by this project

Profile Version Status Last updated API

Thesaurus list

There is currently no controlled vocabulary linked to this project.

Members of the project

Name Institution Role
Francesco Beretta CNRS Administrator
Stephen Hart Université de Bern Administrator
Vincent Alamercery École normale supérieure de Lyon Administrator