Person - Study Title Acquisition Root

Person - Study Title Acquisition


This profile describes the event of the obention of a studie title.

The following of a study is documented in the profile Person - Study.

See the latest version of the profile in the tab Versions.



Show Description Language
This profile describes the event of the obention of a studie title. The following of a study is documented in the profile Person - Study. See the latest version of the profile in the tab Versions.   en


Start date: 2024-08-22

Project of belonging: SDHSS - Microprofiles

This profile is a root profile. Find all its versions in the Versions tab.


Label Language Last updated
Person - Study Title Acquisition * en 2024-08-22

* : Standard label for this language


Person - Study Title Acquisition is a root profile.

Ongoing version: Person - Study Title Acquisition ongoing

Other versions

Profile Version Status Publication date