Person - Social or Professional Position Root

Person - Social or Professional Position


This profile describes the Social Role Embodiment that an individual can occupy during a certain time-span, within a specific group, in addition to the role itself, its type, and the group in which it is defined. This social role embodiment is a specific work office or social status held in a specific institution or a specific group, such as the position of President of the United States of America, occupied by several individuals through time, in opposition to the generic occupation of “President” that an individual can be classified as, even after the end of their office.

The carrying of an occupation activity, instead of the perception of this activity, is described in the profile Person - Occupation Activity.

The perception of a person or group of someone having a social or professional role is documented in the profile Person - Social and Professional Perception.

A more precise profile of Social or Professional Position exists for holding a teaching position, documented by the profile Person - Teaching Position.

See the latest version of the profile in the tab Versions.


Show Description Language
This profile describes the Social Role Embodiment that an individual can occupy during a certain time-span, within a specific group, in addition to the role itself, its type, and the group in which it is defined. This social role embodiment is a specific work office or social status held in a specific institution or a specific group, such as the position of President of the United States of America, occupied by several individuals through time, in opposition to the generic occupation of “President” that an individual can be classified as, even after the end of their office. The carrying of an occupation activity, instead of the perception of this activity, is described in the profile Person - Occupation Activity. The perception of a person or group of someone having a social or professional role is documented in the profile Person - Social and Professional Perception. A more precise profile of Social or Professional Position exists for holding a teaching position, documented by the profile Person - Teaching Position. See the latest version of the profile in the tab Versions. en


Start date: 2024-08-20

Project of belonging: SDHSS - Microprofiles

This profile is a root profile. Find all its versions in the Versions tab.


Label Language Last updated
Person - Social or Professional Position * en 2024-08-20

* : Standard label for this language


Person - Social or Professional Position is a root profile.

Ongoing version: Person - Social or Professional Position ongoing

Other versions

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