Person - Biological Family Root

Person - Biological Family


This profile describes the physical interaction between two individuals that lead to the birth of a person. It, therefore, allows the documentation of biological genealogical relationships between individuals, without documenting social relationships among them.

Relationships of parenthood that are not biological is documented by the profile Person - Social Relationship, as well as decribing the social relationship between a child and their parent and not just the physical lineage.

See the latest version of the profile in the tab Versions.



Show Description Language
This profile describes the physical interaction between two individuals that lead to the birth of a person. It, therefore, allows the documentation of biological genealogical relationships between individuals, without documenting social relationships among them. Relationships of parenthood that are not biological is documented by the profile Person - Social Relationship, as well as decribing the social relationship between a child and their parent and not just the physical lineage. See the latest version of the profile in the tab Versions.   en


Start date: 2024-08-20

Project of belonging: SDHSS - Microprofiles

This profile is a root profile. Find all its versions in the Versions tab.


Label Language Last updated
Person - Biological Family * en 2024-08-20

* : Standard label for this language


Person - Biological Family is a root profile.

Ongoing version: Person - Biological Family ongoing

Other versions

Profile Version Status Publication date