RISM Online ongoing
RISM Online ongoing
The root namespace for RISM Online, containing all the RISM-specific classes and predicates
Show | Description | Language | Validation |
The root namespace for RISM Online, containing all the RISM-specific classes and predicates | en | Candidate |
Andrew Hankinson, Laurent Pugin, RISM Digital Center, Bern, Switzerland CandidateIdentification
Base URI: https://ontome.net/ns/rism-online/
Project of belonging: RISM Online
This namespace is ongoing and can be modified at any time. It is not advisable to use its classes and properties.
Namespace to which this ongoing namespace refers
Namespace |
Label | Language | Last updated | Validation |
RISM Online ongoing * | en | 2023-03-28 | Candidate |
* : Standard label for this language
RISM Online ongoing is an ongoing namespace.
Root namespace: RISM Online
Published versions
Namespace | Publication date |
The classes in this ongoing namespace are currently only visible to members of the RISM Online project.
The properties in this ongoing namespace are currently only visible to members of the RISM Online project.
The relations in this ongoing namespace are currently only visible to members of the RISM Online project.
Show | Note | Type | Language | Entity |
This graph of an ongoing namespace is currently only visible to members of the RISM Online project.
List of mismatches with reference namespaces
Entities listed here are not correctly associated with your reference namespaces.
They are displayed in red in your ongoing namespace. They may not be available in the version of the selected space.
Or you may not have selected any version of a reference namespace.
Please make the necessary corrections before proceeding.
Type of relation | Entity | Namespace | Error type |
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