Parthenos Entities: Research Infrastructure Model ongoing

Parthenos Entities: Research Infrastructure Model ongoing


The Parthenos Entities (PE) propose an ontological model and RDF schema to encode data of use in supporting the activities and aims of research infrastructures to pool and connect services, software, datasets and to enable users of such services to reach the actors and understand the knowledge generation processes which generated the offered datasets. Research infrastructures integrate highly heterogeneous resources for an often equally heterogeneous public. A central component of the activity of and RI in a digital environment involves building a data model that will support intuitive and accurate recall of information produced within the domain supported. It is the implicit or explicit belief of communities that organize into RIs that the integration of data from different members of the community offers not only the possibility of more efficient research and knowledge sharing but also the asking and answering of new questions by the crossing of data by sections of the community that normally would not consider their data in relation. Within this frame, PE proposes an ontological model that tries to capture the general basic entities deployed in building RI registries which is offered both as an intellectual tool for the checking and generation of such models and also as a means to create a common expression by which data could be shared across research communities, thus creating an RI of RIs. Such an effort is a logical extension of the belief inherent to individual research communities but broadened to an interdisciplinary scale. PE is modelled as an extension of CIDOC CRM, the ISO standard ontology for cultural heritage data, and CRMdig, an extension of the latter which models provenance information in digitization processes. In this way, the modelling of a minimal metadata set for use in a registry as proposed above can be complimented by full modelling of detailed datasets in order to provide a rich web of data that can be accessed from the starting point of an RI registry. CIDOC CRM with its open extension policy and support of analytic data generated by empirical sciences with regards to the human past provides a suitably general ontology to allow for the integration of data across a wide spread of humanities and scientific disciplines. PE is being developed in the context of the Parthenos Project, a European funded project.




Parthenos Project


Show Description Language Validation
The Parthenos Entities (PE) propose an ontological model and RDF schema to encode data of use in supporting the activities and aims of research infrastructures to pool and connect services, software, datasets and to enable users of such services to reach the actors and understand the knowledge generation processes which generated the offered datasets. Research infrastructures integrate highly heterogeneous resources for an often equally heterogeneous public. A central component of the activity of and RI in a digital environment involves building a data model that will support intuitive and accurate recall of information produced within the domain supported. It is the implicit or explicit belief of communities that organize into RIs that the integration of data from different members of the community offers not only the possibility of more efficient research and knowledge sharing but also the asking and answering of new questions by the crossing of data by sections of the community that normally would not consider their data in relation. Within this frame, PE proposes an ontological model that tries to capture the general basic entities deployed in building RI registries which is offered both as an intellectual tool for the checking and generation of such models and also as a means to create a common expression by which data could be shared across research communities, thus creating an RI of RIs. Such an effort is a logical extension of the belief inherent to individual research communities but broadened to an interdisciplinary scale. PE is modelled as an extension of CIDOC CRM, the ISO standard ontology for cultural heritage data, and CRMdig, an extension of the latter which models provenance information in digitization processes. In this way, the modelling of a minimal metadata set for use in a registry as proposed above can be complimented by full modelling of detailed datasets in order to provide a rich web of data that can be accessed from the starting point of an RI registry. CIDOC CRM with its open extension policy and support of analytic data generated by empirical sciences with regards to the human past provides a suitably general ontology to allow for the integration of data across a wide spread of humanities and scientific disciplines. PE is being developed in the context of the Parthenos Project, a European funded project. en Validated


Parthenos Project Validated


Base URI:

Project of belonging: CRMpem: An extension of CIDOC CRM to support the data management lifecycle

This namespace is ongoing and can be modified at any time. It is not advisable to use its classes and properties.

Namespaces to which this ongoing namespace refers

CIDOC CRM version 7.1.3
CRMdig version 4.0


Label Language Last updated Validation
Parthenos Entities: Research Infrastructure Model ongoing * en 2023-01-19 Validated

* : Standard label for this language


Parthenos Entities: Research Infrastructure Model ongoing is an ongoing namespace.

Root namespace: Parthenos Entities: Research Infrastructure Model

Published versions

Namespace Publication date
Parthenos Entities: Research Infrastructure Model, version 3.1 2021-06-23


The classes in this ongoing namespace are currently only visible to members of the CRMpem: An extension of CIDOC CRM to support the data management lifecycle project.


The properties in this ongoing namespace are currently only visible to members of the CRMpem: An extension of CIDOC CRM to support the data management lifecycle project.


The relations in this ongoing namespace are currently only visible to members of the CRMpem: An extension of CIDOC CRM to support the data management lifecycle project.


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This graph of an ongoing namespace is currently only visible to members of the CRMpem: An extension of CIDOC CRM to support the data management lifecycle project.


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