Scope note for the class Function – U8  Back


Scope note


This class comprises types of groupings of objects according to their presumed function as determined by appropriate experts on the basis of that group of objects’ shape, fabric and other properties. Instance of U8 Function typologic groupings are often arranged hierarchically organizing, for example, 'baking trays' and 'cooking pots' under 'kitchen ware'. An individual real world object may have multiple functions; a particular amphora, for example, may be used for transportation and for storage. Following transformation, it may have had secondary functions: for example, a storage vessel sherd may be re-used as an ostrakon. The substance of an instance of U8 Function is a conceptual classification created for scientific analysis. 

An instance of U8 Function comes into being upon its declaration and continues to exist thereafter even if disproven or superseded, so long as it remains an object of discourse in scientific literature.


