Example for the property starts before or with the start of (starts after or with the start of) – P175  Back




The production of the scarab seal found in Poros in a context of LMIIIB (E12) starts after or with the start of Tutankhamun period (1332-1323 B.C) (E4). [The scarab stamp seal found in Poros was associated with finds dated to the LMIIIB period. The seal is dated to the Tutankhamun period or later because it belongs to the scarabs of type “nh.s n Jmn”: During Akhenaten period, the production of this type of scarab seal stopped (the name of Amun is not referred to during his reign). Therefore, the scarab cannot have been produced before the Tutankhamun period and is probably a later production] (Karetsou, 2000)

