Example for the property used name (was name used by) – R64  Back




The appearance of the name ‘Lewis Carroll’ on the title page of ‘Le avventure d’Alice nel paese delle meraviglie’, published in 1872 in London by Macmillan and Co. (F52) R64 used name ‘Lewis Carroll’ (E41)

The appearance of the name ‘Centro accademico canadese in Italia’ on the title page of the book ‘Lo Scavo di S. Giovanni di Ruoti ed il periodo tardoantico in Basilicata’ published in 1983 (F52) R64 used name ‘Centro accademico canadese in Italia’ (E41)

The appearance of the name ‘Canadian Academic Centre in Italy’ on page 6 of the book ‘Lo Scavo di S. Giovanni di Ruoti ed il periodo tardoantico in Basilicata’ published in 1983 (F52) R64 used name ‘Canadian Academic Centre in Italy’ (E41)

The appearance of the name ‘IFLA’ as an acronym for ‘The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions’ in the sentence (F2) ‘The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) is the leading international body representing the interests of library and information services and their users’ cited from the ‘About IFLA’ page of the website http://www.ifla.org/ (F52) R64 used name ‘IFLA’ (E41)

