Scope note for the class Function Status – ZE5  Back


Scope note


An instance of functional status is the collective ascription of an operative functionality to an object by a community. The substance of the function status is the communal commitment to relating to and / or using the object in question according to a designated function.

Instances of function status are recognizable through evidence of community members adopting the intentional stance of so-using or relating to the object in question, as observable from direct witnesses, through the reports of competent observers or through evidence of a declarative act [e.g.: E17 Type Assignment] initiating this status.

Instances of function status may come to be through a formal process such as a declarative act of classification [E17 type Assignment], or may have arisen through habit, fiat or be of unknown origin. Instances of function status may end either though a formal process, such as a new declarative act of classification.

