Scope note for the class Legal Integration – C19  Back


Scope note


This class models the fact that entities (generally conceptual objects but sometimes specific actors, things or events) are integrated into customs or laws during a given period of time. They are therefore to be considered as legal entities, i.e. entities that are part of legal systems or traditions and customs, and are considered in this context as virtually being in force. Thus, legal entities become such through integration (by definition or connotation) into legal systems, i.e. a specific form of social representations with wider acceptance and validity.

The existence of the legal individual generally begins with a constitutive social event (a sdh-so:C16 Legal Conceptual Object Creation for conceptual objects) and ends either with a social event that terminates its existence or with the disappearance of all the people (internal or external to the social collective) who actively considered it as existing and being in force.

Knowing that a legal individual existed does not make it legally existing now: the phenomenon modelled is the virtually being in force, according to active social representations, not the later knowledge of its existence in earlier times.


