Scope note for the class Assessment – CC19  Back


Scope note


This class comprises acts of evaluation of an instance of E73 Information Object against an implicit or explicit standard by some actor. An instance of CC19 Assessment is undertaken in order to provide some form of feedback and evaluation on the assessed instance of E73 Information Object in the form of a categorical assessment, a reviewed information object or both. An act of assessment may result in the assignment of an evaluative categorical rank to the assessed conceptual pattern. An act of assessment may also result in a revised version of the assessed instance of E73 Information Object being produced by the assessor. The newly resultant assessed instance of E73 Information Object may include additions, deletions, modifications and commentaries relative to the original target of assessment. The resultant instance information object is, then, considered to incorporate elements of the original E73 Information Object. The edge cases of an act of assessment are the rejection or acceptance of the assessed E73 Information Object. In the case of rejection, the assessed information object has been categorized as a failure by the assessing actor, potentially terminating a direction of creation. In the case of approval, the assessed information object is considered to have been categorized as accepted in toto qua information object by the assessor, relative to the standard of evaluation. Acts of assessment are considered to generate and be generated by instances of F28 Expression Creation in a cycle that typically aims towards achieving an acceptance evaluation. Within the context of a cycle of creative processes, an act of assessment resulting in an assignment of approval typically indicates that the assessor considers the main idea and all relevant additional parameters of judgement with regards to the formulation of the object to be satisfactory and to express the instance of F15 Complex Work which it was formulated to materialize.  

