Scope note for the class Realization Concept – CC3  Back


Scope note


This class comprises combinations of concepts such as are found in planning documents, including BIM, details, drawings, sketches, diagrams, blueprints, descriptions, 3D representations etc. which altogether aim to describe an approach for realizing an artistic concept. The instance of CC3 Realization Concept is a complex set of ideas that is proposed as the intellectual response to a certain projected CC13 Design Concept, which has itself typically been expressed in a number of instances of CC1 Model. An instance of CC3 Realization Concept is the overall approach for how to interpret the latter into a plan for the design’s physical realization or materialization (CC2 Realization). An instance of CC3 Realization Concept is typically elaborated by an actor acting as the “Maitrise d’Oeuvre” through different planning documents (instances of CC4 Realization Plan) that represent particular aspects of the overall plan. In the normal case, one of these proposals will be selected (CC19 Assessment)  as satisfying the CC13 Design Concept expressed in some particular set of instances of CC1 Model and will serve as the instance of CC4 Realization Plan that expresses the proposed CC3 Realization Concept.   The substance of CC3 Realization Concept is ideas; with regards to realizing objects into reality, the ideas proposed typically deal with the planning of the execution of a CC1 Model into a physical object, while taking into account various real-world constraints regarding the organization of the events necessary to bring this end about (CC12 Event Trigger Template). An instance of CC3 Realization Concept is complex by nature as it interacts with the set of constraints expressed in one or more instances of CC1 Model that detail the conceptual and physical aspects of the spatial projection selected as expressing the CC13 Design Concept.

The specific functionality of this class is to indicate the sets of concepts generated in order to plan the execution of an act of artistic realization of some object.

