Scope note for the class Maîtrise d'Ouvrage (MOa) – CC7  Back


Scope note


This class comprises the group of actors, either individuals or collectives, that form together a team that represents the client for whom an instance of Oeuvre is undertaken. The AR7 either is or represents the client for whom an architectural project is designed. Thus the AR7 can be a group containing only one member, the client him/herself. This class, therefore, covers the groups or individuals that are commonly indicated as 'client', 'owner', or ‘user’. The Maîtrise d’Ouvrage MOa consists of all designated members of the client’s representation and can be decomposed into subgroups, usually along main roles or functions within this representation. An instance of MOa comes into being together with the agreement to commission an AR9 Oeuvre with a counterparty MOe, that undertakes to execute it. The MOa remains in existence until the agreed upon outcome, commonly a design or a construction, is realized and accepted, or the goal is abandoned.


